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Report Text: Natural Phenomena How many times do you see sunset? How many times do you get wet because of being caught in the rain? How many...

Report Text: Natural Phenomena
How many times do you see sunset?
How many times do you get wet because of being caught in the rain?
How many times do you capture rainbow on the sky?
You may see and experience those beautiful natural phenomena for many times, perhaps. But, have you ever questioned yourself how sunset, rainbow, rain, or other phenomena occur? By discovering the answer of such questions, we will come in amazement. How wonderful our world and this nature is!
Learn about it!
Try it!
Rainbow is an optical phenomena. It is made of droplets of water when sunlight appears in the angle of sky opposing the sun. When the light enters water droplets, the different spectrum of colors bend at separate angles. That is the reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets which create the spectrum of light. Besides rain, rainbow can also be caused by many forms of airborne water, such as spray, mist, and airborne dew. A rainbow is not an object. We cannot physically approach it. However, we can see it when we stay in the right angle.
Well, after reading the text, we know the process of how the rainbow, one of natural phenomena, happens. It is the result of light reflection, refraction, and dispersion in water droplets. The text above is an example of a report text; a text where we can find explanations of many things, including natural phenomena.
So, what is a report text?
Report text is a text presenting information of something, supported by facts resulted from analysis and observation. The purpose of the text is to inform the reader about something.
What is the generic structure of the text?
A report text consists of general information and bundles of specific information. General information is a part that delivers the general description of the theme. Meanwhile, bundles of specific information consist of specific descriptions of the theme. Here is the example of a report text identification.

Then, what are the characteristics of a report text?
  • describing general things
  • using present tense
  • using general nouns such as the dolphin instead of her dolphin
So, when you read a report text, you will get more knowledge about many things including natural phenomena. Besides that, when you are about to write an explanation of something, you should consider the structure of report text.
From this section you have learnt about a report text. There are some points you need to remember.
  • Purpose of a report text : to inform the reader about something
  • Generic structure of a report text general information: a part which delivers the general description of the theme bundles of specific information: specific descriptions of the theme.
  • Characteristics of a report text Describing general things Using present tense Using general nouns
Developing Paragraph of Report Texts
Objectives of Study
Understanding monolog text report of spoken and written in order to access the knowledge in daily life context. After this study, Students are expected
·         Able to construct a topic sentence, supporting sentence, and developing sentence in form of spoken and written text.
·         Able to develop a paragraph writing.
Learn about It
Lets come back on study English. In this occasion, I would like to discuss about paragraph writing. Before we study it, lets we listen the meteorologist are talking about clouds.

After listen the meteorologist explains about clouds, we can focus on how the speaker contracted his explanation by developing his topic sentence. The meteorologist said “ Clouds have two effects”
Clouds have two effects is the topic sentence. Topic sentence is consist of Subject and Controlling Idea.Look at he chart below!
So, the outline of paragraph writing is
Paragraph Writing
·         Supporting sentence
o   Developing sentence
§  Provide examples
§  Back up
§  Illustrate
§  Explain
§  Clarify
·         Supporting sentence
o   Developing sentence
§  Provide examples
§  Back up
§  Illustrate
§  Explain
§  Clarify
We can state that Paragraph is group of related sentences that develop an idea. It is consisted of topic sentence, supporting sentence, and developing sentence. To make a good paragraph, try to make the clear topic and provide a details. Listen another meteorologist are talking about weather condition, it is monsoon.
Most islands have winds that change direction once a year. These winds are called monsoons. The winds carry moist air part of the year and dry air the other part. On high islands, monsoons create a wet and a dry season. This is because the mountains trap the moist air, causing rain. Low islands are usually dry because there are no mountains to catch the air.Tropical storms hit the islands yearly. Sometimes the storms bring heavy wind and rains. The storms can cause severe damage.
We will study some vocabularies which related with weather conditions such as:
Monsoon= heavy rain with strong wind in summer in the South Asia (Portuguese word)
Another words which related with weather conditions are:
Cyclone = a violent strong wind which move in circle (Greek word)
Typhoon= a violent tropical storm with strong wind (Chinese word)
Thunderstorm= storm with thunder and lightning with heavy rain
Tsunami= destructive waves cause by earthquake in the sea (Japanese Word)
Tornado=  a violent strong wind which move in circle (Spanish word)

English is always changing because it always absort  new words from other languages such as the word cyclone originally came from Greek word, Word Typhoon came from Chinese, word monsoon came from Portuguese word, word Tsunami came from Japanese word and word Tornado came from Spanish word. Not only the words which stating above but also there are tremendous English words which originally came from other languages.

To make your English sound naturally, you should practice your English a lot in terms of Pronunciation, Intonation and sentence rhythm and add your vocabularies!

Do You Understand?
Lets practice in making short paragraph writing. Topic: English word, Controlling Idea: come from other languages.
Key Points
1.      Paragraph is a group of related sentences that develop an idea.
2.      It is consisted by topic sentence, supporting sentence, and developing sentence.
3.      Many English words come from other languages such as: ‘Monsoon’, ‘tornado’, and ‘tsunami’ are words from Portuguese, Spanish, and Japanese.

A Hortatory Exposition Text Objectives Learners are able to comprehend the information given on the text. Learners are able to understand th...

A Hortatory Exposition Text
  • Learners are able to comprehend the information given on the text.
  • Learners are able to understand the aim of a hortatory exposition text.
Learn about it!
What is a Hortatory Text
Hortatory exposition text is a text containing arguments or reasons of the writers in order to persuade the readers. It tells the reader what they should or should not do about a particular case.

What is the function of hortatory exposition texts?
Answer: to persuade the reader or listener about something which should or should not be the case.

Generic structure of hortatory exposition texts
  1. Thesis statement: The announcement of issue.
  2. Arguments: Reasons for concern that lead to recommendation.
  3. Recommendation: Statement of what should or should not to happen

Characteristics of hortatory exposition texts
  1. Focusing on the writer.
  2. Using action verb: eg. run, jump, kick, eat, cry, break, smile, walk, drink, talk.
  3. Using adverb: eg. Surely, certainly.
  4. Using modals: eg. May, can, could, will.
  5. Using temporal connectives: eg. Firstly, secondly, however, therefore, etc.
  6. Using evaluative words: eg. Important, trustworthy, valuable.
  7. Using simple present tense.
  8. Using passive voice.

Do you understand?
Listen to the following example of a hortatory exposition text.
Students and Their Cellphones
Cellphones or mobile phones has become obligatory things to be brought by people nowadays. The reason behind it is the use of cellphones is not only for communication, but also for several things. Today’s cellphones can be used for taking pictures, taking videos, listening to the music, recording voice, storing documents, and playing games. Therefore, most of people use cellphone as their mobile storage devices. Adult, teenagers, children, working people, or students have cellphone in their pocket. However should the students be allowed or be banned to bring cellphones to their school?
Nowadays many students bring cellphones to their school. Many schools allow their students to bring cellphones so their students can communicate with their parents easily. But some other schools ban the use of cellphones at school. It is quite reasonable since bringing cellphones to school may cause several disturbance in the teaching and learning process. Many students who bring cellphone use it irresponsibly during the learning activities. For example, they use cellphone for listening to the music during the learning activities. Some others use it to chat with other students. Some girls use the front camera to take selfie when their teacher are explaining learning materials. Those use of cellphones will distract the students’ concentration.
Besides using cellphone during learning activities, the students may use cellphone as a media for cheating. Many students use cellphone to text their friends during the examination. The students may also see their learning notes in their cellphone during
examination. Therefore, many schools should make a strict rule for students who bring cellphones to their school. For example, all cellphones should be turned off or should be switched into vibrated mode during the learning process. If a student has to answer a call during the learning process, she or he has to get permission from the teacher and pick the phone outside the classroom. When doing examination, all the students have to turn off their cellphone. Their teacher may also collect all cellphones during the examination. From the aforementioned explanation, the students need to use cellphone wisely so cellphone will not become disturbance during the learning activities or during the examination.

After listening to the example of a hortatory exposition text, now pay attention to the following explanation:
  1. The recording was started by an issue whether the use of cellphones at school should be banned or not. This issue is the example of a thesis statement of a hortatory exposition text.
  2. After that, the speaker proposed several arguments related to the issue. The first argument is that the use of cellphones can distract students’ concentration if the students use cellphones in the classroom.
  3. The second argument is that cellphones can distract students’ concentration during final examinations.
  4. Finally, in the end of the recording, the speaker proposed several recommendations related to the problem explained before.
Writing an Argument Essay
Understanding how to write an argument essay in context daily life
·         Able to construct the outline of an argument essay
·         To know how to developing the outline of an argument essay
·         Able to link one paragraph to another paragraph
·         Able to create an argument essay.
Learn about it!
Previous meeting we have learned how to make an opinion and facts. To make an opinion we can use phrases such as in my opinion …., in my view …., in my mind …, it is believed that …and use the modal verbs such as might, should, could, and ought to. We can use our opinion in our argument. Argument is reason or reasons why you support or oppose an idea or action.
            Argument can be presented in form of spoken or written. In this occasion I would like to introduce how to present an argument in form of an essay. Essay is group of paragraph which has link one paragraph to another paragraph. Paragraph is group of sentences which develop topic sentence. Sentence is group of words which stand up of at least subject and predicate.
            Writing an essay we should follow some steps of writing such as drafting, rough draft, proof reading, revising and publishing. Drafting can be done by several strategy such as mind mapping, listing or charting. Rough draft is done after doing drafting to develop the sentences to make some paragraph writing. Proof reading is done to make sure that the essay has good quality in term of mechanic, content, and organization of paragraph, grammar, unity and coherence. You can do proof reading by yourself or your peer. After getting feedback of your writing you continue to revising step and publishing your essay.
1.             Drafting
In this essay I will use listing to develop my essay.
·         Background sentence: Muhajir Effendy release full day school program
·         Detail background: Full day school program is the extended school hour starting form 8 to 4 pm
·         Thesis: I agree with full day school program (it is believed that full day school should be supported)
·         Transition Sentence: there are two reasons which would be discussed in this order
·         Topic sentence
·         Supporting sentence
·         Developing sentence
·         Conclusion
·         Topic sentence
·         Supporting sentence
·         Developing sentence
·         Conclusion
·         Summary
·         Restatement of thesis/reiteration
·         Recommendation

2.             Rough draft
3.             Proof Reading
4.             Revising
5.             Publising
Do you understand?
Lets practice!

The presence of technology in the classroom has become more and more apparent and offers students tremendous resources with which to supplement their education. Given time, technology will completely replace the conventional teachers in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Before writing an essay we should determine the scope of discussion. The scope of the statement above are:Technology/////Classroom/////Teachers////Students////
So we may not discuss the topic out of the scope of discussion above. The statement above asking whether we agree or disagree with the statement. I would like to oppose this statement. So I will make disagree essay. There are some topic that I presented such as:
1.      The teacher can cater the need of the students (technology cannot do this)
2.      Teacher can give motivation and discipline to the students (technology cannot do this)
3.      Teacher can include the current news and personal stories. (technology cannot do this)
From the statement above we can make our argument essay by following the writing steps. First you should do drafting. In this occasion I will use listing. From three topic stating above I select two of them. They are no 1 and 2

·         Background
·         Detail background
·         Thesis
Today, technology has become more and more apparent and offers the students tremendous resourches in teaching learning process. We can find a lot of information by using technology such as computerize in education which supported by internet. It is disagreed that technology will replace the conventional teachers. It is proven by the teachers can cater the students need and also give the discipline and moral value in teaching learning process but technology cannot do this.
·         Topic
·         Example
·         Discussion
·         Conclution
Teachers can replace their approaching or technique in teaching when the students feel difficulties in understanding the topic given. As an example, when students are having trouble in memorizing the irregular verb in English, the teacher can use game strategy in teaching or the other fun technique. Computerize cannot paraphrase the topic given or changing the approach and the technique in learning  topic of the classroom. Technology cannot replace the conventional teachers in teaching and learning.
·         Topic
·         Example
·         Discussion
·         Conclution
Teachers in teaching not only tranfer knowledge and train the students skill bur also improve students’ attitude such as discipline and moral value.As an example, Teacher could give the reward or punishment to the students. When student made mistake like not making homework, she/he is given punishment to make her/him more discipline. Computerize in education cannot do the reward and punishment approaching in which believed that improve the students quality on their attitude.Technology cannot replace the conventional teachers.
·         Summary
·         Restatement of thesis
·         Recommendation
The presence of technology in education is very essential because it can be knowledge resources in fulfill the students need. However, Technology in form of Computerize or others in education cannot replace the existence of the teachers in the classroom. Such the above explanation, teachers can cater the students need and give moral value and discipline but not for the technology. It is recommended that technology and teachers are two aspect that cannot be separated. Teachers use technology as media in teaching and learning to improve students’ quality in education.

2. Rough Draft of Argument Essay

Today, technology has become more and more apparent and offers the students tremendous resourches in teaching learning process. We can find a lot of information by using technology such as computerize in education which supported by internet. It is disagreed that technology will replace the conventional teachers. It is proven by the teachers can cater the students need and also give the discipline and moral value in teaching learning process but technology cannot do this.
Teachers can replace their approaching or technique in teaching when the students feel difficulties in understanding the topic given. As an example, when students are having trouble in memorizing the irregular verb in English, the teacher can use game strategy in teaching or the other fun technique. Computerize cannot paraphrase the topic given or changing the approach and the technique in learning  topic of the classroom. Technology cannot replace the conventional teachers in teaching and learning.
Teachers in teaching not only tranfer knowledge and train the students skill bur also improve students’ attitude such as discipline and moral value.As an example, Teacher could give the reward or punishment to the students. When student made mistake like not making homework, she/he is given punishment to make her/him more discipline. Computerize in education cannot do the reward and punishment approaching in which believed that improve the students quality on their attitude.Technology cannot replace the conventional teachers.
The presence of technology in education is very essential because it can be knowledge resources in fulfill the students need. However, Technology in form of Computerize or others in education cannot replace the existence of the teachers in the classroom. Such the above explanations, teachers can cater the students need and give moral value and discipline but not for the technology. It is recommended that technology and teachers are two aspect that cannot be separated. Teachers use technology as media in teaching and learning to improve students’ quality in education.

The above essay is in form of rough draft, you can make this essay better by doing proof reading and revising it before publishing to the readers. That all for today don’t forget to study English and good bye.
1.             There are two ways in stating the opinion. They are
·         Phrases (I think …; In my opinion …; It is believed …)
·         Modal verbs (should…; could…; might….; would…)
2.             Steps of writing are
·         Drafting
a.       Listing
b.      Mind Mapping
c.       Charting
·         Rough draft
·         Proof reading
·         Revising
·         Publishing
3.             Listing can be presented as follow
·         Background
·         Detail background
·         Thesis

·         Topic
·         Example
·         Discussion
·         Conclusion

·         Topic
·         Example
·         Discussion
·         Conclusion

·         Summary
·         Restatement of thesis
·         Recommendation

4.             Make sure with the content, organization, grammar, and mechanic on your writing.