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A Hortatory Exposition Text Objectives Learners are able to comprehend the information given on the text. Learners are able to understand th...

A Hortatory Exposition Text
  • Learners are able to comprehend the information given on the text.
  • Learners are able to understand the aim of a hortatory exposition text.
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What is a Hortatory Text
Hortatory exposition text is a text containing arguments or reasons of the writers in order to persuade the readers. It tells the reader what they should or should not do about a particular case.

What is the function of hortatory exposition texts?
Answer: to persuade the reader or listener about something which should or should not be the case.

Generic structure of hortatory exposition texts
  1. Thesis statement: The announcement of issue.
  2. Arguments: Reasons for concern that lead to recommendation.
  3. Recommendation: Statement of what should or should not to happen

Characteristics of hortatory exposition texts
  1. Focusing on the writer.
  2. Using action verb: eg. run, jump, kick, eat, cry, break, smile, walk, drink, talk.
  3. Using adverb: eg. Surely, certainly.
  4. Using modals: eg. May, can, could, will.
  5. Using temporal connectives: eg. Firstly, secondly, however, therefore, etc.
  6. Using evaluative words: eg. Important, trustworthy, valuable.
  7. Using simple present tense.
  8. Using passive voice.

Do you understand?
Listen to the following example of a hortatory exposition text.
Students and Their Cellphones
Cellphones or mobile phones has become obligatory things to be brought by people nowadays. The reason behind it is the use of cellphones is not only for communication, but also for several things. Today’s cellphones can be used for taking pictures, taking videos, listening to the music, recording voice, storing documents, and playing games. Therefore, most of people use cellphone as their mobile storage devices. Adult, teenagers, children, working people, or students have cellphone in their pocket. However should the students be allowed or be banned to bring cellphones to their school?
Nowadays many students bring cellphones to their school. Many schools allow their students to bring cellphones so their students can communicate with their parents easily. But some other schools ban the use of cellphones at school. It is quite reasonable since bringing cellphones to school may cause several disturbance in the teaching and learning process. Many students who bring cellphone use it irresponsibly during the learning activities. For example, they use cellphone for listening to the music during the learning activities. Some others use it to chat with other students. Some girls use the front camera to take selfie when their teacher are explaining learning materials. Those use of cellphones will distract the students’ concentration.
Besides using cellphone during learning activities, the students may use cellphone as a media for cheating. Many students use cellphone to text their friends during the examination. The students may also see their learning notes in their cellphone during
examination. Therefore, many schools should make a strict rule for students who bring cellphones to their school. For example, all cellphones should be turned off or should be switched into vibrated mode during the learning process. If a student has to answer a call during the learning process, she or he has to get permission from the teacher and pick the phone outside the classroom. When doing examination, all the students have to turn off their cellphone. Their teacher may also collect all cellphones during the examination. From the aforementioned explanation, the students need to use cellphone wisely so cellphone will not become disturbance during the learning activities or during the examination.

After listening to the example of a hortatory exposition text, now pay attention to the following explanation:
  1. The recording was started by an issue whether the use of cellphones at school should be banned or not. This issue is the example of a thesis statement of a hortatory exposition text.
  2. After that, the speaker proposed several arguments related to the issue. The first argument is that the use of cellphones can distract students’ concentration if the students use cellphones in the classroom.
  3. The second argument is that cellphones can distract students’ concentration during final examinations.
  4. Finally, in the end of the recording, the speaker proposed several recommendations related to the problem explained before.
Writing an Argument Essay
Understanding how to write an argument essay in context daily life
·         Able to construct the outline of an argument essay
·         To know how to developing the outline of an argument essay
·         Able to link one paragraph to another paragraph
·         Able to create an argument essay.
Learn about it!
Previous meeting we have learned how to make an opinion and facts. To make an opinion we can use phrases such as in my opinion …., in my view …., in my mind …, it is believed that …and use the modal verbs such as might, should, could, and ought to. We can use our opinion in our argument. Argument is reason or reasons why you support or oppose an idea or action.
            Argument can be presented in form of spoken or written. In this occasion I would like to introduce how to present an argument in form of an essay. Essay is group of paragraph which has link one paragraph to another paragraph. Paragraph is group of sentences which develop topic sentence. Sentence is group of words which stand up of at least subject and predicate.
            Writing an essay we should follow some steps of writing such as drafting, rough draft, proof reading, revising and publishing. Drafting can be done by several strategy such as mind mapping, listing or charting. Rough draft is done after doing drafting to develop the sentences to make some paragraph writing. Proof reading is done to make sure that the essay has good quality in term of mechanic, content, and organization of paragraph, grammar, unity and coherence. You can do proof reading by yourself or your peer. After getting feedback of your writing you continue to revising step and publishing your essay.
1.             Drafting
In this essay I will use listing to develop my essay.
·         Background sentence: Muhajir Effendy release full day school program
·         Detail background: Full day school program is the extended school hour starting form 8 to 4 pm
·         Thesis: I agree with full day school program (it is believed that full day school should be supported)
·         Transition Sentence: there are two reasons which would be discussed in this order
·         Topic sentence
·         Supporting sentence
·         Developing sentence
·         Conclusion
·         Topic sentence
·         Supporting sentence
·         Developing sentence
·         Conclusion
·         Summary
·         Restatement of thesis/reiteration
·         Recommendation

2.             Rough draft
3.             Proof Reading
4.             Revising
5.             Publising
Do you understand?
Lets practice!

The presence of technology in the classroom has become more and more apparent and offers students tremendous resources with which to supplement their education. Given time, technology will completely replace the conventional teachers in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Before writing an essay we should determine the scope of discussion. The scope of the statement above are:Technology/////Classroom/////Teachers////Students////
So we may not discuss the topic out of the scope of discussion above. The statement above asking whether we agree or disagree with the statement. I would like to oppose this statement. So I will make disagree essay. There are some topic that I presented such as:
1.      The teacher can cater the need of the students (technology cannot do this)
2.      Teacher can give motivation and discipline to the students (technology cannot do this)
3.      Teacher can include the current news and personal stories. (technology cannot do this)
From the statement above we can make our argument essay by following the writing steps. First you should do drafting. In this occasion I will use listing. From three topic stating above I select two of them. They are no 1 and 2

·         Background
·         Detail background
·         Thesis
Today, technology has become more and more apparent and offers the students tremendous resourches in teaching learning process. We can find a lot of information by using technology such as computerize in education which supported by internet. It is disagreed that technology will replace the conventional teachers. It is proven by the teachers can cater the students need and also give the discipline and moral value in teaching learning process but technology cannot do this.
·         Topic
·         Example
·         Discussion
·         Conclution
Teachers can replace their approaching or technique in teaching when the students feel difficulties in understanding the topic given. As an example, when students are having trouble in memorizing the irregular verb in English, the teacher can use game strategy in teaching or the other fun technique. Computerize cannot paraphrase the topic given or changing the approach and the technique in learning  topic of the classroom. Technology cannot replace the conventional teachers in teaching and learning.
·         Topic
·         Example
·         Discussion
·         Conclution
Teachers in teaching not only tranfer knowledge and train the students skill bur also improve students’ attitude such as discipline and moral value.As an example, Teacher could give the reward or punishment to the students. When student made mistake like not making homework, she/he is given punishment to make her/him more discipline. Computerize in education cannot do the reward and punishment approaching in which believed that improve the students quality on their attitude.Technology cannot replace the conventional teachers.
·         Summary
·         Restatement of thesis
·         Recommendation
The presence of technology in education is very essential because it can be knowledge resources in fulfill the students need. However, Technology in form of Computerize or others in education cannot replace the existence of the teachers in the classroom. Such the above explanation, teachers can cater the students need and give moral value and discipline but not for the technology. It is recommended that technology and teachers are two aspect that cannot be separated. Teachers use technology as media in teaching and learning to improve students’ quality in education.

2. Rough Draft of Argument Essay

Today, technology has become more and more apparent and offers the students tremendous resourches in teaching learning process. We can find a lot of information by using technology such as computerize in education which supported by internet. It is disagreed that technology will replace the conventional teachers. It is proven by the teachers can cater the students need and also give the discipline and moral value in teaching learning process but technology cannot do this.
Teachers can replace their approaching or technique in teaching when the students feel difficulties in understanding the topic given. As an example, when students are having trouble in memorizing the irregular verb in English, the teacher can use game strategy in teaching or the other fun technique. Computerize cannot paraphrase the topic given or changing the approach and the technique in learning  topic of the classroom. Technology cannot replace the conventional teachers in teaching and learning.
Teachers in teaching not only tranfer knowledge and train the students skill bur also improve students’ attitude such as discipline and moral value.As an example, Teacher could give the reward or punishment to the students. When student made mistake like not making homework, she/he is given punishment to make her/him more discipline. Computerize in education cannot do the reward and punishment approaching in which believed that improve the students quality on their attitude.Technology cannot replace the conventional teachers.
The presence of technology in education is very essential because it can be knowledge resources in fulfill the students need. However, Technology in form of Computerize or others in education cannot replace the existence of the teachers in the classroom. Such the above explanations, teachers can cater the students need and give moral value and discipline but not for the technology. It is recommended that technology and teachers are two aspect that cannot be separated. Teachers use technology as media in teaching and learning to improve students’ quality in education.

The above essay is in form of rough draft, you can make this essay better by doing proof reading and revising it before publishing to the readers. That all for today don’t forget to study English and good bye.
1.             There are two ways in stating the opinion. They are
·         Phrases (I think …; In my opinion …; It is believed …)
·         Modal verbs (should…; could…; might….; would…)
2.             Steps of writing are
·         Drafting
a.       Listing
b.      Mind Mapping
c.       Charting
·         Rough draft
·         Proof reading
·         Revising
·         Publishing
3.             Listing can be presented as follow
·         Background
·         Detail background
·         Thesis

·         Topic
·         Example
·         Discussion
·         Conclusion

·         Topic
·         Example
·         Discussion
·         Conclusion

·         Summary
·         Restatement of thesis
·         Recommendation

4.             Make sure with the content, organization, grammar, and mechanic on your writing.

Understanding Poem Welcome to study English In this series we will share about Understanding Poem There are 4 points which we will discuss ...

Understanding Poem

Welcome to study English

In this series we will share about Understanding Poem
There are 4 points which we will discuss in this video
·        Distinction between poem, poetry, and prose
·        Structure of the poem
·        The example of the poem
·        Exercises
The distinction between poem, poetry, and prosewill be explained in this order.
To make it clear let's watch this video below!


Poem is a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhytmical, usually methaporical. Jika dalam bahasa indonesia, sajak hampir sama dengan puisi, bahkan banyak yang sulit membedakan antara keduanya. Sejatinya, sajak merupakan suatu bentuk tulisan yang penyajian nya memiliki sifat teratur dan terikat dalam baris antara satu sama lainya.

William Henry Davies

Here’s an example from A Butterfly;
That on a rough, hard rock Happy can lie; 
Friendless and all alone 
On this unsweetened stone.
Now let my bed be hard No care take I; 
I’ll make my joy like this Small Butterfly; 
Whose happy heart has power 
To make a stone a flower.

The rhime sceme of the poem above is AABB (stanza 1) and AACC (stanza 2)


Poetry is literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feeling and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhytm. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Poetry merupakan suatu bentuk karya tulis yang biasanya merupakan ekspresi jiwa dengan nilai estetika yang berkualitas dan memiliki makna yag mendalam. Poetry dalam bahasa indonesia disebut dengan puisi.

william Shakespear
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed


Prose is written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure. Jika dalam bahasa indonesia, prose disebut dengan prosa dan memiliki arti sebuah bentuk karya tulis dengan ritme yang besar dan biasanya digunakan untuk menuangkan sebuah ide, fakta, pendapat ataupun gagasan.

Charlotte Brontë
The ledge, where I placed my candle, had a few mildewed books piled up in one corner; and it was covered with writing scratched on the paint. This writing, however, was nothing but a name repeated in all kinds of characters, large and small—Catherine Earnshaw, here and there varied to Catherine Heathcliff, and then again to Catherine Linton. In vapid listlessness I leant my head against the window, and continued spelling over Catherine Earnshaw—Heathcliff—Linton, till my eyes closed; but they had not rested five minutes when a glare of white letters started from the dark, as vivid as spectres—the air swarmed with Catherines; and rousing myself to dispel the obtrusive name, I discovered my candle wick reclining on one of the antique volumes, and perfuming the place with an odour of roasted calf-skin.

Perbedaan Antara Poem, Poetry Dan Prose 

  • Poem : Merupakan sebuah sajak dalam bahasa inggris yang setiap barisnya saling memiliki keterikatan.
  • Poetry : Merupakan sebuah puisi (karya tulis) dalam bahasa inggris yang memiliki sebuah estetika dan makna yang mendalam.
  • Prose : Prose atau prosa merupakan karya tulis yang memiliki ritme yang besar dan biasanya digunakan untuk menuagkan ide atau gagasan akan suatu hal.

*Ritme : aksen suara yang teratur (Irama)


    There are so many! And every culture/language has its own forms! To list them all would be impossible. However, if you are going to start somewhere, I would suggest learning a few basic terms first so that when you encounter complex structures. I would start with the following terms:
    ·         Stressed syllable
    ·         Unstressed syllable
    rhyme scheme
    ·         consonant rhyme: when the last two syllables rhyme with the same consonant falling between them.
    Example in English: “Humpty Dumpty”
    ·         assonant rhyme: When the last two vowels of the last two syllables rhyme, but the consonant between them is different. This form of rhyme is pretty rare in English, but is very common in Romance languages. Example in Spanish: ala / brava”
    ·         slant rhyme: AKA “half-rhyme” - these are words that can “rhyme” when written, but do not when spoken. For example, “wind / find” when “wind” refers to a gust of air. Otherwise, slant rhyme can be words that are *nearly* alike, but don’t quite rhyme. Emily Dickinson used this with some frequency.
    meter: the number of syllables in one poetic verse
    ·         foot: two syllables make up a foot, and a verse is composed of a number of feet, having a pattern of emphasis (unaccented and accented syllables)
    ·         Example of a type of meter: iambic pentameter: A metrical line consisting of five feet in unaccented/accented sequence for a total of ten syllables. Much of Shakespeare's plays and poems employ iambic pentameter with consonant rhyme.
    stanza: a grouping of any number of individual lines/verses, followed by a break, or that stand on their own as a single poem.
    ·         couplet: Two verses.
    ·         tercet: Three verses.
    ·         quatrain: Four verses.
    form: the collection/pattern of stanzas that comprise a poem. Form can be strictly or loosely defined.
    ·         An example of strict form: the sonnet: A poem with strict form obeys rules of rhyme, meter, and stanzas. The Shakespearean sonnet often consists of fourteen lines: three quatrains and then a couplet. The meter is iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme is (abab cdcd efef gg) where each letter represents the rhyming of the last syllable(s).)
    ·         Looser forms of poetry have stanzas that are more intuitive, and lack the formal structures (rhyme, meter, stanzas) as defined by tradition. Free verse is an example of poetry that lacks formal structures, obeying only the logic of the poem's content.

    Let's Practice!


    In the early part of spring
    You will hear, many birds sing
    They are just letting, the rest of us know
    Winter is over, spring melted the snow

    You will notice, a beautiful scene
    The trees will slowly, begin to turn green
    Chipmunks and bunnies will come out and play,
    Bears will no longer, sleep during the day

    It’s exciting, when spring finally arrives
    Bees will make honey, inside their hives
    So much to do, so much to see
    Insects and animals are happy and free

    1.    What is the poem about?
    Answer: Spring Time/ The beauty of sring
    2.    How many stanzas does the poem have?
    Answer: 3 stanzas
    3.    What is ‘spring, sing, know, snow’ (stanza 1) called?
    Answer: rhyme scheme
    4.    How many lines does the poem have?
    Answer: 12 lines
    5.    What is the rhyme scheme of the poem above?
    Answer: Stanza 1: AABB Stanza 2: CCDD Stanza 3 EEFF

    Conditional Sentences Type 1 Objectives • Learners are able to understand the use of conditional if (type I) in sentences • Learners are abl...

    Conditional Sentences Type 1


    • Learners are able to understand the use of conditional if (type I) in sentences
    • Learners are able to guess possible result from certain present condition or do logic reasoning.

    Learn about it!

    Look at the following statements and learn what they mean:
    If the voters are not satisfied, the election will likely be repeated.
    The above sentence means that re-election will likely be done if the voters are not happy with the result.
    If the oil price keeps raising, other prices will increase immediately.
    The above sentence means that prices of other products will improve very soon if the oil price keeps raising.
    If she keeps studying hard, she will pass the exam with good results.
    The above sentence means that she will pass the examination with good results if she keeps studying hard.

    Conditional Sentences Type 1 is used to make prediction that may happen in the future when certain condition is fulfilled in the present. 

    The predicted situation is as the most possible result to occur. However, when the present condition cannot meet the requirement, the future result won’t exist.
    Conditional sentence has two parts: the ‘if clause’ and the main clause. The ‘if clause’ belongs to the present condition that needs to be fulfilled and the main clause belongs to future condition that occurs as the result.

    Simple Present Tense
    Present Future Tense
    (+) Subject + Verb 1 (es/s) + Object
    (-) Subject + do not / does not + Verb 1 + Object
    (?) Do/Does + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
    (+) Subject + is/am/are + Adjective/ noun/ adverb
    (-) Subject + is/am/are + not + Adjective/ noun/ adverb
    (?)is/am/are + Subject + Adjective/ noun/ adverb?
    (+) Subject + Will/shall + Verb 1 + Object
    (-) Subject + Will not / shall not + not + Verb 1 + Object
    (?) Will/ shall + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
    (+) Subject + Will/ shall + be + Adjective/ noun/ adverb
    (-)Subject + Will not / shall not + be + Adjective/ noun/ adverb
    (?)Will/ shall Subject + be + Adjective/ noun/ adverb?


    • Conditional If (type I) is used to make prediction that may happen in the future when certain condition is fulfilled in the present.
    • The pattern is If + Simple Present for the if clause, and followed by main clause in future tense (will).
    • You need to put a comma when the if clause comes first, but you don not need one when the main clause comes first.