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  Review Unit III Version A   I.      Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. A.    Listening Section Question 1 refers to the fol...


Review Unit III

Version A 

I.     Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

A.   Listening Section

Question 1 refers to the following dialog.

Girl  :   Many Indonesian singers are obsessed with going international. Is it possible for them?

Boy :   Why not? There have been Indonesian singers who have gone international, such as Anggun and Agnes Monica.

Girl  :   Yes, but it’s very difficult.

Boy :   Of course. We don’t get anything without hard effort.


1.    What is the dialog about?

A.    Some Indonesian singers.                   
B.    Some singers’ great efforts.    
C.    Some popular international singers.
D.   The possibility for some people to be singers.
E.   The possibility for some Indonesian singers to go international. 


E.   Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat awal percakapan, ”Many Indonesian singers are obsessed with going international. Is it possible for them?” yang artinya ”Banyak penyanyi Indonesia terobsesi untuk menjadi penyanyi bertaraf internasional. Apakah itu mungkin bagi mereka?”.

Question 2 refers to the following dialog.

Girl  :   Hey, I found this small gift in my drawer.

Boy :   Who is the sender?

Girl  :   I don’t know. Hmm . . . I am curious about who sent me the gift.

Boy :   Just open the gift and you will find the writer’s name on it.


2.    What is the girl curious about?            

A.    The thing in the gift.     
B.   The one who sent her the gift.
C.   The one who received the gift. 
D.   The one who took her gift.
E.   The price of the gift.    


B.   Anak perempuan tersebut ingin mengetahui orang yang mengirimkan kado tersebut. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat anak perempuan tersebut, ”Hmm . . . I am curious about who sent me the gift.” yang artinya ”Hmm . . . saya ingin tahu siapa yang mengirimkan kado itu.”, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B).

Question 3 refers to the following dialog.

Boy :   There are a number of smart students but they come from poor families. What do you think?

Girl  :   I think the government should pay attention to them.

Boy :   What do you mean?

Girl  :   There should be funds or scholarships for them.


3.    What is the girl’s view about a number of smart students who are poor? 

A.    We should help them.
B.    We should appreciate their achievements.
C.    We should not underestimate them.
D.   The government should have a fund or scholarship for them.                 
E.   The government should provide them with many facilities.


D.   Menurut anak perempuan tersebut, pemerintah seharusnya menyediakan dana atau beasiswa untuk siswa yang pandai tetapi tidak mampu. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat anak perempuan tersebut, ”I think the government should pay attention to them.” dan ”There should be funds or scholarships for them.”, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D).

Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog.

       Terracing is one way to prevent erosion or farmland runoff. It is making slopes into steps so that rain cannot run down a hill carrying away the soil. Like other methods, it has arguments for and against. Let’s discuss the two sides.

       One of the reasons why people choose terracing is that it prevents water from running down hills. More than that, it increases water infiltration and root development.

       On the contrary, terracing has disadvantages. It could become expensive and require heavy equipment. Not only that. It may hinder more modern or authomatic farming practices.

Adapted from: (March 15, 2012)


4.    What is the monolog about?

A.    Why terracing is useful.
B.   The description of terracing.
C.   Pros and cons of terracing.      
D.   The function of terracing.
E.   The cost of terracing.


C.   Teks tersebut tentang pro dan kontra terasiring (pros and cons of terracing). Hal itu disimpulkan dari keseluruhan isi teks serta kalimat ”Like other methods, it has arguments for and against.”. Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut merujuk pada ’terracing’, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (C). Pilihan jawaban yang lain sebagai pendukung.

5.    Why do people choose terracing? 

A.    Because it is cheap.
B.   Because it requires simple equipment.
C.   Because it allows more modern farming practices.
D.   Because it decreases water infiltration.
E.   Because it increases water infiltration.


E.   Sisi positif terasiring dijelaskan dalam kalimat ”One of the reasons why people choose terracing is that it prevents water from running down hills. More than that, it increases water infiltration and root development.”. Jadi, salah satu alasan orang memilih membuat terasiring untuk mencegah erosi adalah pilihan jawaban (E) yang artinya karena terasiring meningkatkan penyerapan air.  

This is the end of the listening section.


B.   Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7.

       No other activity can bond a family, like boating or fishing. They provide wonderful opportunities for us to talk, laugh and create new memories. So take someone you love, out on the water and see where the water takes you. To learn about local boating and fishing resources, plus helpful tips for your next trip, please visit

Adopted from: Live-Read Radio PSA Scripts in (March 19, 2012)

 6.   What is the purpose of the text?

      A.   To advertise a boat and fishing trip.
B.   To sell boat and fishing equipment.
C.   To persuade people to join a boating and fishing day.
D.   To persuade families that they should have activities together.
E.   To persuade people that boating and fishing are good, to bond families.


E.   Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat ”No other activity can bond a family like boating or fishing. They provide a wonderful opportunities for us to talk, laugh and create new memories.”yang artinya ”Tidak ada kegiatan yang dapat mempersatukan keluarga seperti naik perahu dan memancing. Ini adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkan untuk Anda bercerita, tertawa, dan menciptakan kenangan baru.”. 

 7.   “No other activity can bond a family, like boating or fishing.”

The word ‘bond’ means ________.

      A.   give fun                      
B.   give chances
C.   help guiding                            
D.   develop relationships
E.   develop an understanding


 D.   Kata ’bond’ artinya mempersatukan. Kata ini sama artinya dengan ’develop relationships’ yang artinya ’mengembang-kan hubungan’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya membuat senang, (B) artinya memberi kesempatan, (C) artinya membantu menuntun, dan (E) artinya mengembangkan pemahaman. 

The following text is for questions 8 to 10.

Adopted from: (March 19, 2012)

 8.   What is the leaflet about?

      A.   An English test.                                   
B.   An English course.
C.   A qualified English teacher.      
D.   Students’ achievement in English tests.
E.   A scholarship for students to study in England.


B.   Selebaran tersebut tentang kursus bahasa Inggris. Hal itu sesuai dengan frasa awal selebaran ”IELTS English Preparation Course”. Pilihan jawaban (B) benar. 

 9.   How long will the course be?

      A.   About one week.                                 
B.   About two weeks.
C.   About one month.                                
D.   About two months.
E.   About three months.


E.   Kursus akan dilakukan selama sekitar tiga bulan. Hal itu disimpulkan dari frasa ”12 week English Language course taught by experienced qualified teachers” yang artinya ”Kursus Bahasa Inggris selama 12 minggu yang diajar oleh guru-guru yang berkualitas dan berpengalaman”. Frasa ’12 week’ sama artinya dengan ’about three months’ (sekitar tiga bulan), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (E). 

10.  “95% of people taught on the course achieved an IELTS score of 5 or more”

       What is the synonym of ‘achieved’?

      A.   Reached.             B.     Taught.
C.   Received.            D.    Provided.
E.   Took.


A.   Pilihan jawaban yang artinya sama dengan kata ’achieved’ adalah (A) reached yang artinya meraih/mencapai. Pilihan jawaban yang lain artinya berbeda; (B) artinya mengajar, (C) artinya menerima, (D) artinya menyediakan, dan (E) artinya mengambil. 

The following text is for questions 11 to 14.

       Many people like consuming seafood, especially fish. Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages.

       People should consume seafood because it is nutritious. Most of the domestic fish such as tuna, salmon and cod are good sources of protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals. This is a versatile protein food source that is also relatively low in fat. Salmon and whitefish have the highest Omega-3 fatty acid content. This type of fat is very good for cardiovascular, brain and joints.

       On the contrary, there are arguments against seafood. According to the Food Allergy and
Anaphylaxis Network, more than 2 percent of Americans report an allergy to fish and shellfish. Some of the reactions can be severe and/or lethal.

       Besides that, bigger fish have more chance of contamination by mercury and other toxins such polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, bluefin tuna, domesticated shark and marlin. Moreover, undercooked or raw fish can contain many kinds of parasites (including tapeworms).

       From the arguments above, we should be careful when consuming seafood. If we want to consume seafood, be sure the seafood is commercially deep frozen and/or heated to at least 140 degrees to kill tapeworms and other parasites. Also, it’s important for pregnant women, babies, young children and immunity-compromised persons to avoid these types of fish.

Adopted from: (March 15, 2012)

11.  Why should people consume seafood?

      A.   It is nourishing.                       
B.   It is delicious.
C.   It is cheap.                              
D.   It is high in fat.
E.   It is low in protein.     


 A.   Orang-orang seharusnya mengonsumsi makanan laut karena makanan tersebut bergizi (mengandung banyak protein dan sedikit lemak). Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat pertama paragraf dua, ”People should consume seafood because it is nutritious.”. Kata ’nutritious’ memiliki makna yang sama dengan ’nourishing’. Pilihan jawaban (A) benar. 

12.  The following are reasons why we should not consume seafood, EXCEPT ________.

A.   it may contain many kinds of parasites     
B.   it may be contaminated by mercury
C.   it may contain tapeworms                    
D.   it may cause a headache
E.   it may cause allergy      


D.   Argumen yang menolak mengonsumsi makanan laut dijelaskan dalam paragraf tiga sampai lima. Dalam paragraf-paragraf tersebut dijelaskan bahwa orang sebaiknya tidak mengonsumsi makanan laut karena banyak orang alergi saat mengonsumsi makanan laut (paragraf tiga), makanan laut mungkin terkontaminasi merkuri, racun yang lain bahkan cacing pita (paragraf empat), dan makanan laut dapat mengandung parasit (paragraf lima). Jadi, yang bukan merupakan alasan sebaiknya orang menghindari makanan laut adalah (D) yang artinya makanan laut mungkin menyebabkan sakit kepala.          

13.  What should we do before consuming seafood to kill tapeworms and parasites?

       A.    We should clean it.                                  B.         We should keep it fresh.
       C.    We should pack it firmly.                         D.         We should soak it in salt water.
       E.    We should heat it to at least 140 degrees.


E.            Untuk membunuh cacing pita dan parasit, kita seharusnya memanasi makanan laut dengan suhu minimal 140 derajat. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf terakhir, ”If we want to consume seafood, be sure the seafood is commercially deep frozen and/or heated to at least 140 degrees to kill tapeworms and other parasites.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (E) benar. 

14.  “The ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, . . . .” (Paragraph 4)

       What is the opposite of ‘sparingly’?

      A.   Carefully.                                
B.   Extravagantly. 
C.   Frequently.                             
D.   Greedily.         
E.   Continuously.


B.   Kata ’sparingly’ artinya dengan hemat/sedikit. Kata tersebut berlawanan makna dengan kata extravagantly’yang artinya dengan berlebihan/boros. Pilihan jawaban yang lain artinya berbeda; (A) artinya dengan hati-hati, (C) artinya dengan sering, (D) artinya dengan rakus, dan (E) artinya dengan terus-menerus. 

 15.  Tika   :   Why do you look upset?

       Raka :        My computer is still broken ________I have tried to repair it.

      A.   although                 B.    nevertheless   
C.   however                 D.    in spite of
E.   despite


A.   Kalimat Raka tersebut artinya ”Komputer saya masih rusak . . . saya telah berusaha memperbaikinya.”. Kata penghubung yang paling tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah although (meskipun), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A). 

The following text is for questions 16 to 20.

       One promotion method people can consider is through the Internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.

       Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller budget and storage costs, when compared to printing brochures, producing television or radio advertisements, or managing a call center. It presents a fast and cost-effective option for penetrating new markets.

       Besides that, e-mail makes business communications instant. It makes it easier for customers to maintain contact and readily facilitates repeat purchasing. The net result is that a small business can gain a significant competitive advantage in a given market.

       Furthermore, Internet promotion also provides the advantage of endurance. Whereas participation at a trade fair or conference loses sales impact, once it is over. An advertisement in a newspaper or business magazine may quickly lose its sales generating value within a day or two, or as soon as the next issue is released. Internet promotion is often timeless. Apart from the dates and sometimes prices, much of your website contents remain valid years later.

       However, Internet promotion is not without its risks and weaknesses. With millions of businesses selling the same products and services, competing with more established businesses can be frustrating and a costly venture for small businesses.

       Another notable disadvantage is that it maybe difficult for the business persons and consumers to thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of a transaction. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft, using stolen credit cards and stolen information to do online transactions.

       Then, another disadvantage is that the customers and businesspersons are isolated. There is little personal contact between customer and salesperson prior to and after the sales transaction. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may diminish.

       From all indications, it appears that the advantages of Internet promotion far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate knowledge, entrepreneurs can benefit significantly from Internet promotions, especially small business owners.

Adopted from: (March 15, 2012)

 16.  What is the text about?

      A.   Pros and cons of promotion.   
B.   Pros and cons of Internet promotion.
C.   Pros and cons of running a business.
D.   Pros and cons of being a salesperson.
E.   Pros and cons of entrepreneurship.


B.   Teks tersebut membahas pro dan kontra promosi lewat Internet. Hal itu diketahui dari keseluruhan isi teks serta kalimat pada paragraf satu, ”One promotion method people can consider, is through the Internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.”. 

17.  Compared to other media of promotion, how is Internet promotion?

      A.   It is more interesting.               
B.   It is more expensive.
C.   It is more exclusive.                
D.   It is cheaper and longer.
E.   It is more difficult and more challenging.


 D.   Promosi lewat Internet lebih murah dan lebih lama (cheaper and longer), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D). Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama paragraf dua, ”Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller budget and storage costs, . . .” dan kalimat pertama paragraf empat, ”Furthermore, Internet promotion also provides the advantage of endurance.”.

18.  What can we conclude from paragraphs two and five?

      A.   Both paragraphs discuss the advantages of Internet promotion.
B.   Both paragraphs discuss the disadvantages of Internet promotion.
C.   Paragraph 2 tells about argument for, while paragraph 5 tells about argument against.
D.   Paragraph 2 tells about argument against, while paragraph 5 tells about argument for.
E.   Paragraph 2 tells about argument for, while paragraph 5 tells about the writer’s


 C.   Paragraf dua teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang keuntungan promosi lewat Internet, disimpulkan dari kalimat awal paragraf tersebut, ”Internet promotion presents the advantage of . . . .”. Sementara itu, paragraf lima menjelaskan tentang kerugian promosi lewat Internet, disimpulkan dari kalimat awal paragraf tersebut, ”However, Internet promotion is not without its risks and weaknesses.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) benar.

19.  Which of the following statements is NOT the disadvantage of Internet promotion?

      A.   We have to compete with other businesses selling similar products.      
B.   It is difficult to evaluate the legitimacy of a transaction.              
C.   It is vulnerable to theft using stolen credit cards.
D.   The prospect for repeat sales may diminish.
E.   It may quickly lose its promotion.


E.   Kekurangan promosi lewat Internet dijelaskan dalam paragraf lima sampai tujuh. Kekurangan tersebut di antaranya adalah harus bersaing dengan pengusaha lain yang menawarkan produk yang sama (paragraf lima), sulit mengevaluasi keabsahan transaksi, dan rentan pencurian kartu kredit (paragraf enam), dan kemungkinan tidak ada penjualan yang berulang (paragraf tujuh). Jadi, yang bukan merupakan kekurangan promosi lewat Internet adalah (E) yang artinya promosi itu dapat hilang dengan cepat. 

20.  “Internet promotion has advantages and
disadvantages.” (Paragraph 1)

What is similar to ‘advantage’?

      A.   Benefit.                                  
B.   Loss.              
C.   Similarity.                               
D.   Difference.     
E.   Relationship.


A.   Kata ’advantage’ dan ’benefit’memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu keuntungan. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya kerugian, (C) artinya persamaan, (D) artinya perbedaan, dan (E) artinya hubungan. 


II.    Create a public service announcement.

       You may choose your own topic.

 Contoh jawaban:

       Are you concerned about violence at school? Do you know of students threatening to hurt or bullying someone? Well, there’s something you can do about it. Just call 1-866-SPEAK-UP to report a threat. The call is free and completely anonymous. If you know about a student threatening violence, don’t take chances, call 1-866-SPEAK-UP. That’s 1-866-SPEAK UP. It could be the most important call you’ll ever made.

Adopted from: (March 19, 2012)




  Review Unit I I Version B   I.      Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer.   A.    Listening Section Question 1 refers to t...


Review Unit II

Version B

 I.     Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer.

 A.   Listening Section

Question 1 refers to the following dialog.

Girl  :  Helmi, are you free this afternoon?

Boy :  Yes, I am. Is there anything I can do?

Girl  :  Can you take me to Mawar’s house? It’s on Jalan Kartini, behind the post office.

Boy :  Sure.


1.    Where will the girl and the boy go?

       A.    To Norma’s house.
B.    To Damar’s house.                
C.    To Helmi’s house.      
D.    To the post office.
E.    To Mawar’s house.


E.   Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat yang diucapkan oleh anak perempuan tersebut ”Can you take me to Mawar’s house? It’s on Jalan Kartini, behind the post office.” yang artinya ”Dapatkah kamu mengantarku ke rumah Mawar? Ia tinggal di Jalan Kartini, di belakang kantor pos.”.

Questions  2 and 3 refers to the following dialog.

Boy :  It’s really annoying!

Girl  :  Relax. Is there something bothering you?

Boy :  Yeah. I have repaired the printer, but it’s broken again.

Girl  :  I suggest you bring the printer to Ayong. I think he can repair it.

Boy :  That’s a good idea, thanks. 


2.    What does the boy say to complain?

A.    What a shame!          
B.    It’s really annoying!
C.    Never did that again!  
D.    Why didn’t I think about that?
E.    Do you think you can do it?    


B.   Pilihan jawaban (B) sesuai dengan kalimat yang diucapkan oleh anak laki-laki tersebut ”It’s really annoying!” yang artinya ”Sangat menjengkelkan!”.

3.    What does the girl suggest?

A.    She suggests the boy meet Ayong.
B.    She calls Ayong to fix the printer.
C.    She wants Ayong to fix the printer.      
D.    She suggests the boy bring the printer to Ayong.
E.    She suggests the boy call Ayong and ask him to come.


D.   Pilihan jawaban (D) sesuai dengan kalimat yang diucapkan oleh anak perempuan tersebut, ”I suggest you bring the printer to Ayong.” yang artinya ”Saya sarankan kamu bawa printernya ke Ayong.”.

Questions 4 and 5 refers to the following monolog.

       When the first symptoms of illness appear, the doctor uses a thermometer to check whether the patient has a ‘fever’.

       The average or ‘normal’ temperature of a healthy body is 37° Celsius. Some diseases make this temperature rise and this high temperature is called a ‘fever’.

       Fever is in fact a natural response, which helps the body to fight off infection. It makes the vital processes and organs of the body work faster. More hormones are produced as well as enzymes and blood cells, especially the white cells, which attack foreign bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream. The hormones and chemicals have to work much harder when the body is weak. The rate of blood circulation and respiration increase so that the body eliminates toxins and waste more quickly. Perspiration is also increased. It is important, however, to bring down a temperature whilst treating the cause, as it can destroy vital protein in the body.

Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.


4.    What is the monolog about? 

A.    It’s about what fever is.          
B.    It’s about how fever happens. 
C.    It’s about when fever happens.
D.    It’s about what a thermometer is.
E.    It’s about how we use a thermometer.


B.   Gagasan umum teks tersebut terletak pada kalimat ”Fever is in fact a natural response, which helps the body to fight off infection.” yang artinya ”Demam sebenarnya merupakan respons alami yang membantu tubuh memerangi infeksi.”. Jadi, monolog tersebut tentang cara demam muncul, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B). Kalimat-kalimat berikutnya merupakan kalimat pendukung.

5.    Which attacks foreign bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream? 

A.    Hormones.
B.    Perspiration.
C.    The white cells.
D.    Enzymes.
E.    Protein.


C.   Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . and blood cells, especially the white cells, which attack foreign bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream.” yang artinya ”. . . dan sel-sel darah, terutama sel darah putih yang menyerang bakteri dan virus asing di dalam saluran darah.”.

This is the end of the listening section


B.   Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7.

       Sofi, this is Teddy. We have to submit our paper next Wednesday. That’s why, we have to finish it soon. What about doing it at my house this afternoon, at about three? If you agree, I’ll ask Farah and Vika to come. Remember, we only have three days before the deadline.

 6.   How many people will do the paper?

A.    One.                      B.    Two.
C.    Three.                   D.   Four.  
E.    Five.


D.   Ada empat orang yang mengerjakan tugas itu, yaitu Teddy, Sofi, Farah, dan Vika, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D). Hal itu disimpul-kan dari kalimat “Sofi, this is Teddy. . . . . If you agree, I’ll ask Farah and Vika to come.”. 

 7.   When do you think Teddy send the message?

A.    On Saturday.         B.    On Sunday.
C.    On Monday.           D.   On Tuesday.   
E.    On Wednesday.


B.   Teddy berkata bahwa mereka hanya memiliki waktu tiga hari sebelum batas terakhir penyerahan makalah (kalimat ”Remember, we only have three days before the deadline.”). Batas waktu penyerahan adalah hari Rabu sehingga pesan tersebut kemungkinan dikirimkan pada hari Minggu (on Sunday), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B). 

The following letter is for questions 8 to 11.


PO Jelajah Pulau

Jalan Raja Ampat No. 200, Padang


December 20, 2013

Mr. Wilson Rumadi

Perum Kelapa Gading Raya

Blok H No. 28 Tasikmalaya  

Dear Sir,

The Backpack Return 

    We got a letter from you on December 15, 2013reporting that you lost your backpack on your way from Jakarta to Padang on December 14, 2013. You described that the backpack is grey with black strap. There’s a name tag: Willy.

    Here I would like to inform you that we have found your backpack today. We hope you would pick it up in our office: PO Jelajah Pulau, Jalan Raja Ampat No. 200, Padang, phone number 123456789. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Yours sincerely,


Devina Handayani

Operational Supervisor


  8.   The letter is about ________.

A.    the loss of a backpack
B.    the theft of a backpack          
C.    a damaged backpack
D.    the return of a backpack
E.    a new backpack


D.   Pilihan jawaban (D) sesuai dengan subjek surat tersebut ”The Backpack Return” yang artinya ”Pengembalian tas punggung”. 

 9.    Mr. Wilson lost his backpack when ________.

A.    he checked his ticket 
B.    he went from Jakarta to Padang         
C.    he went from Padang to Jakarta         
D.    he bought a ticket in PO Jelajah Pulau
E.    he got off the bus on his way to Jakarta


B.            Pilihan jawaban (B) sesuai dengan kalimat ”We got a letter from you on December 15, 2013 reporting that you lost your backpack on your way from Jakarta to Padang . . . .”. 

10.   How long has Mr. Wilson lost his backpack?

A.    For one week.
B.    For nine days.
C.    For eleven days.       
D.    For two weeks.
E.    For almost one month.


A.   Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . you lost your backpack on your way from Jakarta to Padang on December 14, 2013.” dan ”Here I would like to inform you that we have found your backpack today.”. Surat itu ditulis pada 20 Desember 2013. Jadi, Pak Wilson kehilangan tas punggungnya selama 7 hari (one week). 

11.   “Here I want to inform you that we have found
. . . .” (Paragraph 2)

       What does the word ‘I’ refer to?

A.    Mr. Wilson.
B.    The bus driver.
C.    The owner of PO Jelajah Pulau
D.    The Manager of POJelajah Pulau
E.    Devina Handayani, the Operational Supervisor


E.   Jawaban disimpulkan dari penulis surat tersebut, yaitu Devina Handayani,
Operational Supervisor. Pilihan jawaban

(E) benar. 

12.  The process  ________ by Joyce.

A.    will explain            
B.    will be explained    
C.    will be explaining
D.   being told                    
E.    will have explained


 B.   Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Proses itu. . .  oleh Joyce.”. Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat pasif. Bentuk pasif yang tepat adalah pilihan jawaban (B). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A), (C), dan (E) salah karena merupakan bentuk aktif, pilihan jawaban (D) salah menggunakan ’being’.

The following text is for questions 13 to 15.

       Regular exercise is important because it keeps bones, joints and muscles healthy. During any physical exertion, the rate at which the heart beats increases, as it pumps more oxygenated blood around the body. How quickly the heart rate returns to normal after exercise is one way to assess how fit someone is and how exercise is actually improving their fitness. Once almost everyone did manual work of some kind. It was essential for survival. Human bodies were not designed for the inactive lives many of us now lead. That is why exercise is important for good health.

Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

13.   The purpose of the text is to ________.

A.    explain how we should do some exercises
B.    explain why exercise is good for us
C.    explain what a good exercise is          
D.    describe what exercise is good for us
E.    describe what exercise is


B.   Pilihan jawaban (B) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama teks tersebut ”Regular exercise is important because it keeps bones, joints and muscles healthy.” yang artinya ”Olahraga teratur penting karena olahraga menjaga tulang, sendi dan otot tetap sehat.”. Kalimat-kalimat berikutnya merupakan kalimat pendukung yang menjelaskan alasan olahraga baik bagi kita. 

14. “It was essential for survival.”

What is similar to ‘essential’?

A.    Expected.              B.    Accepted.
C.    Presented.            D.   Significant.     
E.    Predicted.


D.   Kata ’essential’ dan ’significant’maknanya sama, yaitu penting. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya diharapkan, (B) artinya diterima, (C) artinya disampaikan, dan (E) artinya diramalkan. 

15. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

      A.    During any physical exertion, the rate at which the heart beats increases.
B.    Heart beats pump more oxygenated blood around the body.
C.    Once almost everyone did manual work of some kind.
D.   Human bodies were not designed for the inactive lives.
E.    How quickly the heart rate after exercise is one way to assess how fit someone is.


       E.    Pilihan jawaban (E) benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”How quickly the heart rate returns to normal after exercise is one way to assess how fit someone is . . . .” yang artinya ”Seberapa cepat rata-rata denyut jantung kembali ke keadaan normal setelah berolahraga merupakan satu cara untuk mengukur seberapa bugar seseorang . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan isi teks. 

The following text is for questions 16 and 20.

Why does Urine Smell like Ammonia?

       There are several reasons why urine smells like ammonia. As ammonia is mainly nitrogen, the most common cause of the smell is thus, eating foods with high concentrations of nitrogen: proteins, meats, eggs and the like, as well as a few vegetables like asparagus. Eating lots of these will cause a strong smell of ammonia in urine.

       Of course, urine itself does not smell; it is the concentration of various chemicals in it. When one is dehydrated, there is less water in one’s urine, this results in a darker yellow color and a stronger odor from all the concentrated chemicals. Sufficient amounts of water should be consumed each day to prevent highly concentrated urine.

       Another cause of ammonia smelling urine could be from a bacterial infection, in the kidneys the urinary tract, or infection of the bladder and is most commonly found in women, simply because of the positioning of anatomical features. Urinary tract infections lead to even stronger smelling urine than concentrated ammonia and it smells much more foul, though there is a distinct ammonia odor.

       Women also tend to get ammonia smelling urine after menopause. This could occur because of diet changes for weight control and water drinking is often minimized at this time, so it is important to drink lots of water during this period.

       Other issues could be serious liver or kidney damage or disease, so it is very important to consult a doctor, if there are any other accompanying symptoms, which could include burning sensations, itching, redness or rash, fever, or chills and the odorous urine lasts for more than a few days.

Adopted from: (March 24, 2012)


16.   The text is about ________.

A.    an explanation about urine                  
B.    a description of what urine is
C.    the causes of ammonia smelling urine
D.    the reason why people consume proteins
E.    an explanation about bacteria that cause infections


C.   Soal tersebut menanyakan tentang gambaran umum teks. Gambaran umum itu dijelaskan pada kalimat pertama paragraf satu, ”There are several reasons why urine smells like ammonia.” yang artinya ”Ada bermacam-macam penyebab air seni berbau seperti amonia,”, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (C). 

17.   “In fact, urine doesn’t smell.”

The statement is the main idea of paragraph ________.

A.    one               
B.    two   
C.    three 
D.    four  
E.    five


B.   Pilihan jawaban (B) sesuai dengan kalimat awal paragraf dua, ”Of course, urine itself does not smell; it is the concentration of various chemicals in it.” yang artinya ”Tentu saja air seni tidak berbau; ini merupakan konsentrasi dari berbagai macam kandungan kimiawi di dalamnya.”. 

18.   “ . . . , and it smells much more foul, even though there is a distinctammonia odor.” (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ________.

A.    definite           B.    strong      
C.    far enough      D.    clearly equal         
E.    alike


A.   Kata ’distinct’ yang artinya ’berbeda/nyata’ memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata ’definite’  yang juga berarti ’berbeda/nyata’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (B) artinya kuat, (C) artinya cukup jauh, (D) artinya jelas sama, dan (E) artinya mirip.

19.   Which food and vegetables may cause urine to smell like ammonia, if they are consumed excessively?

A.    Meat, eggs and asparagus.    
B.    Meat, asparagus and beans.
C.    Eggs, meat and carrots.                     
D.    Meat, eggs and beans.
E.    Asparagus and beans.


A.   Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf satu, ”As ammonia is made of nitrogen, the most common cause of the smell is thus eating various food that have high concentrations of nitrogen: proteins, meats, eggs and the like, as well as a few vegetables like asparagus.” yang artinya ”Karena ammonia dihasilkan dari nitrogen, penyebab paling umum bau tersebut adalah makan berbagai macam makanan yang mengandung konsentrasi nitrogen tinggi: protein, daging, telur, dan sejenisnya, juga beberapa jenis sayur-sayuran, misalnya asparagus.”. 

20.   The following statements are reasons of
ammonia smelling urine, EXCEPT ________.

       A.    serious liver or kidney damages or diseases
B.    eating meats and eggs that have high concentrations of nitrogen         
C.    a bacterial infection, in the urinary tract, or in the bladder         
D.    the lack of water consumption that causes highly concentrated urine    
E.    urinary tract infections which mostly occur in men, lead to even more strongly smelling urine


E.   Pilihan jawaban (E) benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf tiga, yaitu ”. . ., in the kidneys the urinary tract, or infection of the bladder and is most commonly found in women, simply because of the positioning of anatomical features.” yang artinya ”. . ., di dalam ginjal saluran kemih, atau infeksi pada kandung kemih, dan ini paling sering ditemukan pada wanita, hanya karena posisi fitur anatomi.”. 


II.    Write an explanation text.

 Contoh jawaban:

Why do Muscles Ache After Exercise?

       When you exercise your muscles contract and produce an acid known as lactic acid. This acid acts like a ‘poison’. The effect of this lactic acid is to make you tired, by making muscles feel tired. If the acid is removed from a tired muscle, it stops feeling tired and can go right to work again.

       So, feeling tired after muscular exercise is really the result of a kind of internal ‘poisoning’ that goes on in the body. But the body needs this feeling of tiredness so that it will want to rest. During rest the joints of the body replace the supplies of lubricants they have used up.

Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London: Chancellor Press, 2010.