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Learn about It! In this series, we are going to talk about a form. To improve your skill in listening, you have better to practice it a lot....

Would You Fill Out This Form, Please?

Learn about It!
In this series, we are going to talk about a form. To improve your skill in listening, you have better to practice it a lot. By doing brainstorming and note-taking during listening task you could develop ideas. You are expected to note-taking during the talk. There are some points that should be written on your note during a listening task such as

  • 1.    What ………..
  • 2.    Who ………..
  • 3.    Where ………
  • 4.    Why …….
  • 5.    When ……..
 To practice your listening skill, let’s watch this clip.
Video 1

The ability to predict and previewing is really important in many listening tasks. Try to find keywords to predict what they talk about are and preview the pattern or the class of the words to determine the suit answer for your listening test.

Could you identify the keywords?

Try to answers these questions!

1.    What is the topic?
2.    Who are the speakers?
3.    Where are they talking?
4.    Why are they talking?
5.    When are they talking?

The above form is ENROLMENT FORM, if you wonder about this topic you may ask some questions related to this one.

Your questions might relate with definition, kinds of form, several elements of form, and the advantages.

What the form is, let’s watch this clip and try to fulfill the missing words!
Video 2

1. Identifying the form
Look at the pictures below

Withdrawal form
 Enrolment Form
 Deposit Slip Form
 Purchase Order Form
Room Reservation Form

From the two pictures, we can see the differences between the forms based on the functions. They are:
1. Deposit Slip: to save some money into a bank account
2. Reservation Form: to reserve or to book a place for an event
3. Purchase Order: to purchase some goods
4. Withdrawal Slip: to withdraw some money from the bank account
5. Enrollment form: to make someone become an official member of a course, collage, or group.
2. Filling out Some Forms
in filling out the forms, students should pay attention to the important information, such as personal identities, name, and signature

3. Classifying the Elements of Forms
a. The elements of a deposit form are:
  • date
  • account number
  • name of account holder
  • account type
  • amount of money
  • depositor's signature
  • teller's signature
b. The elements of the registrations form are:
  • Full name of the participants
  • Place and date of birth
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • School / grade

 4. Characteristic of form
  • Less to write (people only write what is instructed in the space provided. Generally, space is limited)
  • Clear instructions about information to be supplied
  • Uniformity (For a special purpose, each person will fill in a similar form)
  • Information can be re-examined later (Usually, we can find a space for one's signature in a form. It is important to evaluate the accuracy of the information provided)
  • Simpler tasks (Forms enable people to collect and distribute data easily