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Objectives through this section, you will learn how to use cause and effect and also referents Welcome to study English In this series, we a...

through this section, you will learn how to use cause and effect and also referents

Welcome to study English
In this series, we are going to talk about cause and effect relationships
Listen to someone who talks about Global Warming.
Try to Brainstorming, Note-taking, and developing ideas for the topic below!
Learn about it!
Let's watch this video!

What is the speaker talk about?
By doing brainstorming, you can determine general information about the text.

What are the causes of global warming?
you see in the clip car, factory waste, and cutting down trees

you can find specific information by doing a note-taking. It is very essential during the listening task.

Now its time for you for explaining what is global warming?
By developing ideas you will able to explaining what global warming is.

Here is the script for that clip.

Read the text then make cause and effect sentences!
So, what is global warming? It’s the result of billions of decisions. It's caused by decisions made by individuals-like driving big cars rather than small cars. And it's caused by decisions made by corporations and nations, like dumping waste into the atmosphere.
Nature is already responding to global warming. There have been changes in global weather patterns.
Trees are flowering earlier. Birds are laying eggs earlier. Butterflies are moving up hills.
What is global warming? It's the result of billions of individual decisions. You can't manage that at the scale of the individual.

Managing the atmosphere has to take at the global level. That's why it needs international agreement.

OK, so you read the text about What global warming is.

What has caused global warming?
You read 'gases in the air, cars, factory waste, and people cutting trees down. So if you made notes, you would get an idea these were the thing causing global warming.
Global warming is caused by people using cars, and people dumping waste into the atmosphere.

Now let's look for some of the effects
Driving cars causes air pollution.

The others example are
1. Global warming is the result of a billion decision
2. A billion decision lead to Global warming
3. Global warming is caused by dumping waste into the atmosphere
4. Dumping waste into the atmosphere leads to global warming
5. Birds are laying eggs earlier is the result of global warming
6. Birds are laying eggs earlier is the effect of global warming

To express cause and effect we can use some logical connector such as SO...THAT/ SUCH ...THAT. Here are the examples

Managing the atmosphere in the scale of the individual is SO difficult that ways we need international agreement.

It is such a serious problem that ways we need international agreement.

we can use this pattern SO + ADJECTIVE/ADVERB + THAT

The sky of Jakarta is so dark that the factories are dumping waste into the atmosphere

we will try to use this pattern SUCH + NOUN + THAT
It is such a serious problem that ways we need the international agreement

let's play game "Click Here"

You could practice how to use cause and effect relationship in this order.

Traditionally, the UAE’s economy has been completely reliant on oil within the past 15 years, however, its economy has diversified. Some believe that the UAE’s economy will collapse if Abu Dhabi runs out oil and some refute this. This point of view will be discussed in this order.
It is believed by some that if Abu Dhabi runs out of oil the UAE’s economy would fall apart. An idea that supports this is the historical fact that the UAE’s economy has been almost completely dependent on its capital oil reserves. It can be argued that this history will remain true in the future. Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate towards this point of view.
On the other hand, many argue that Abu Dhabi’s oil reserves are not the only industry upholding the UAE’s economy, for example, industries such as tourism and construction has gained a very strong foothold in the Emirate’s economy. Thus, these industries can be expected to support the UAE’s economy the absence of oil. It is clear why many supported this claim.
For reason related to history and recent developments, the issue of economic stability in the UAE without the support of Abu Dhabi’s oil is supported and refuted by many. However, after analyzing these two points of view, it is clear that the historical condition in the Emirates has changed. Thus, the argument that the UAE’s economy would fall apart without the support of Abu Dhabi’s oil cannot be supported and is expected to be never be realized. It can be recommended that keep trusting to the UAE’s economy with or without supported by Abu Dhabi’s oil reserves.

1. reliant= terkantung
2. diversified = beragam
3. collapse = runtuh
4. upholding = mengangkat
5. refuted = menolak/menyangkal
6. gained = mendapatkan
7. foothold= pijakan
8. never be realized = tidak pernah terwujud
9. thus = sehingga/demikianlah
10. keep trusting = tetap mempercayai

                           Ok let's focus to this sentence
Abu Dabi oil's reserves cause a drop in the UAE's economy
                          we also can say
Abu Dabi's oil reserves lead to the drop of the UAE's economy
Abu Dabi oil's reserves result in the drop of the UAE's economy
The drop of the UAE's economy is the effect of Abu Dabi's oil reserves
The drop of the UAE's economy is the result of Abu Dabi's oil reserves
The UAE's economy is such the drop that Abu Dhabi's oil reserves.
The UAE's economy is so weak that Abu Dhabi's oil reserves.

the above sentences are how to express cause and effect, you can reverse the sentence

 x....causes ....y
or the effect of x
after you studied about cause and effect expression, let's we practice our skill in determining fact and opinion, lets we focus on this sentence.

It is believed by some that if Abu Dhabi runs out of oil the UAE’s economy would fall apart.

the above sentence using the auxiliary modal verb would
other modal verbs are will, can, could, may, might, must, ought to, have to

1. would to stating an opinion
It is believed by some that if Abu Dhabi runs out of oil the UAE’s economy would fall apart.
2. will to state fact, the example is
Global warming will make the birds are lying egg earlier
could to state an opinion
Without Abu Dabi's oil reserves, UAE's economy could survive
"can" for stating fact vs "could" for stating an opinion


You can make your writing style more interesting by using referents and, thereby, avoiding repetition of nouns, which would make your writing monotonous. Remember using referent is an essential writing skill for many Writing Task. Compare these two styles of writing.
Referents are words, which refer back to something that has been mentioned before. They not only add variety to your writing and speaking but also provide cohesion.

A number of referents can be identified:
Personal Pronouns
I, you, he/she, it, we, they, one, etc.
Demonstrative Pronouns
this, that, these, those
Possessive Adjectives
my, you're, his, her, their, on's, its. our
and here's the example of the referents.
What is global warming? It's the result of billions of individual decisions. You can't manage that at the scale of the individual.

The word 'It's' refers to global warming and the word 'that' refers to global warming.

OK, that all for today. Hope to keep enjoying your study and study English!

Formal vs Informal Congratulation Understanding the formal conversational text in daily life context and involving speech: expressing congra...

Formal vs Informal Congratulation
Understanding the formal conversational text in daily life context and involving speech: expressing congratulations formally and informally.
In this lesson, you will learn to understand formal and informal expression of congratulation.

Formal vs Informal Congratulation
To congratulate someone’s achievement, you may express it in various ways. For example, when one of your relatives has a newborn baby, you may give a congratulations card or present. When your friends just won a competition, you must praise their achievement too.
       Congratulation is an expression of happiness which aims to show our care and appreciation on someone's special moment. Commonly, people express it by giving something such as presents or cards or saying it directly.
Formal Congratulations
Formal situation can happen in several places such as at work or at school. This context is usually used to appreciate older people. For example, when your teacher has a newborn baby, you could use formal expression. When you want to congratulate someone formally, you can congratulate them by saying the following phrases:
Please accept my warmest congratulations.
I’d like to be first to congratulate you.
I’d like to congratulate you on…..
I must congratulate you on ….
May I congratulate you on….
Congratulations on ….
Informal Congratulations
Informal situation can happen almost anytime, anywhere. You can use informal expression to your friends, or your siblings. There are several phrases to congratulate others in informal context. You can use the following phrases:
Well done!
Good Job!
Responding to congratulation
When you want to respond to expression of congratulation, you can say the following phrases:
Thank you very much for saying so.
It’s very good of you to say so.
I’m glad you say so.
Thank you so much.
Oh, thanks.
Thank you.
Do You Understand?
To understand how to use the expression of congratulation formally, read the conversation below.
(Situation: Your teacher has a new born baby)
You: I’d like to be the first to congratulate you on your new born baby.
Teacher: It’s very kind of you.
You: She is very beautiful and cute.
To understand how to use the expression of congratulation informally, read the conversation below.
Nanda: How was your SNMPTN test?
Ayunda: I'm so glad, I passed the test.
Nanda: That’s awesome. Congratulations, you did well!
Ayunda: Thank you very much.
Key Points
Here are things you should remember about expressing congratulation:
* Should pay attention to the context because it has two context; formal and informal.
* Use phrases that showing politeness when we speak to elders.
* Use these phrases informally: congratulations, well done, good job.

Formal vs Informal Compliment
Learning Objectives
In this lesson, you will learn formal compliment and how it differs from the informal one.
In the lesson under the topic giving informal compliments, you have learned about complimenting a person in a casual way. Here, you will learn how to compliment a person in a more formal way. The following dialogue is based on the following setting.
Mr Simon and Mr Jan meet in a party at their friend’s house. Mr Simon comes with his wife who is wearing simple yet elegant black nightgown.
Note: Pay attention to the parts in bold.
Mr Yaya: Hello, how are you?
Mr Simon: Fine, thank you. How are you?
Mr Yaya: Very well, thanks. Nice party, isn’t it?
Mr Simon: Yes nice. However, nothing compares to how my wife looks tonight.
Mr Yaya: Oh yes, of course. Mrs Simon, you are looking wonderful in your gown.
Mrs Simon: Thank you. That’s a nice compliment. My husband gave this as a present for my birthday.
Mr Simon: You deserved it, my dear. (Mr Simon says to his wife)
In the dialogue, the expressions in bold are the way people give compliments. The dialogue also shows how to respond to a compliment formally. It is important to remember, when people say polite things to you, you should respond them politely, too.
Here, Mr Yaya is complimenting Mrs Simon who is wearing simple but elegant gown by saying “You are looking wonderful in your gown.” Getting this compliment, Mrs Simon thanking Mr Yaya by saying “That’s a nice compliment.”
You can use the above compliment or you can choose one of the following formal compliments expressions:
You are looking beautiful today.
May I be so bold as to compliment your blue outfit
May I pay you a compliment? You really look elegant today.
I hope you don’t mind, but you are looking great today.
The above compliments are used when you want to show your admiration to a person’s appearance in a formal way. When it is a person’s skills or possessions to admire, you can choose the following expressions.
Complimenting someone’s skills
I admire your ability to sew.
My compliments on your cooking.
You are a fine writer.
I must say you really know how to sketch.
You can really subtitle.
If you don’t mind my saying, you are an incredible artist.
What an amazing singer you are!
I wish I could draw as well as you!
Complimenting possessions
What an interesting view you have from your bedroom.
I couldn’t help but notice your beautiful hair.
What a lovely smile you have!
You have such an obedient monkey.
You have such a cozy house.
I have to admit I’m jealous of your achievement.
Key Points
So, what are the differences between informal and formal compliment?
* Formal compliment is longer than the informal one.
* Formal compliment is used to compliment a person that you don’t know very well, while an informal compliment is delivered to a person that has a close relation to the speaker.

Introducing Yourself in Polite and Casual Ways Objectives Comprehend the expressions that are used to introduce yourself by identifying poli...

Introducing Yourself in Polite and Casual Ways
  1. Comprehend the expressions that are used to introduce yourself by identifying polite and casual ones.
  2. Introduce yourself in polite and casual ways appropriately.
Learn about it!
In the previous lesson, you have already learned how to greet others in polite and casual ways. So, after you greet someone you just meet for the first time, what’s next? Of course, you do not stop there and say goodbye directly because it will be really awkward. Also, remember why did you greet them in the first place?

Introduce Yourself
The first thing to do when you meet someone that you do not know is to introduce yourself. In this lesson, you will learn how to do it in polite and casual ways. Now, pay attention to the dialogue below.

Based on the given situation in the text above, we know that Aldo and Dion did not know each other before. So, Aldo introduces himself first by saying, “Hi, my name is Aldo”. While Dion introduces himself to Aldo by saying “Hi, I’m Dion.” The conversation happens in a casual way and the expressions used are also the ones that are usually used for introducing yourself in a more casual way.
Take a look at another example below.
The above example is slightly different from the first example. In this case, Jeni introduces herself in front of her classmates. She greets them first by saying, ““Good morning everybody”“. This is a formal and polite greeting. After that, she introduces herself politely by saying ““Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jeni.”“ The situation is rather formal; she has to introduce herself in front of the whole class including her teacher. Therefore, Jeni introduced herself in a more polite way.
Do you understand?
More examples for you
Mr. Fatah : Good morning, students.
Students : Morning, Sir.
Mr. Fatah : Before we start our lesson today, let me introduce myself. My name is Abdul Fatahilah, you can just call me Mr. Fatah. I am going to be your English teacher for this semester.
Antonio : Hi, I’m the person in charge here. My name is Antonio. You can call me Tio.
Safa : Hi, Tio. I’m Safa. Good to see you.

Some tips for you when you want to make an introduction:
  • Consider the situation, whether it is formal or informal.
  • Consider the person you are talking to. So, you know whether you should use more polite or casual language.

UNDERSTANDING SONGS II LEARN ABOUT IT! There are some reasons why many people use songs to learn English. First, song are authentic materia...


There are some reasons why many people use songs to learn English. First, song are authentic materials. If we want to learn English, we should listen to English songs. Second, English songs also contain culture and history.
The reason is that song contain repetitions and repetitions enhance learning. The next reason is it’s a good way to learn vocabulary and pronunciation. And last, English songs are fun and they can easily energize the listeners.

Song is a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung or a single work of music intended to be sung by the human voice with distinct and fixed pitches and patterns using sound and silence and a variety of forms that often include the repetition of sections.

The social functions of song are:
a.   To entertain the listeners.
b.   To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs.
c.   To provide a way of managing the relationship between our public and private emotional life.
d.   To express personal feeling and cultural values.
e.   To give someone to not only shares their emotions with others, but also to have an emotional connection that just can’t be experienced in any other way.

The general structure of a song consists of verse-chorus-verse-bridge-chorus. It is better for us to learn more about the complete structure of songs.
a. Intro
The introduction establishes melodic, harmonic, and/or rhythmic related to the main body of song.
b. Verse
It is the section of the song structure that tells the story. This is the exposition, describing the scene or the person, or an emotion. There are usually two or three verses in a row that have the same musical structure, the same rhyme and poetic meter, but different words. The second verse builds on the picture painted in the first verse, etc.
c. Chorus of Refrain
A chorus is the most repeated section, so it’s the easiest remembered. A chorus is the summary of the song’s story. All the verses have been leading up to the chorus, and is usually the part of the song people sing along with. A chorus can come at the beginning of the song structure; it can also start in the middle, or come at the end. In fact, some songs don’t have choruses at all. Some people are usually confused to differentiate between choruses and refrain. A refrain is any line that repeats in the song lyric, while a chorus is any group of lines that repeat.
d. Break
A break is actually a brief “rest” or “pause” for the core melody within a song used to add further dimension and excitement. It may include a quick instrumental solo or drum interlude or it may be a brief moment of silence, or a combination of each of these elements.
e. Bridge
This is the part of the song that shifts. It can suddenly change tempo, or volume, or instrumentation. The bridge is the section that gives the audience time to reflect on the story, or gives them the “climax” or conclusion of the story through verses and chorus. Bridges can be used to give the singer a break.
f. Outro or Coda
This is the end of the road for the song. It can repeat the intro, chorus or a refrain as an outro, or a bridge with an instrumental solo.

Below Are Some Forms of Song’s Structure

The following are the language features of songs.

a. Imagery. Imagery describes about feelings and emotions. Sebuah lagu biasanya berusaha menggambarkan perasaan yang dirasakan si penulis.

b. Rhythm. Ritme disini digunakan untuk menciptakan mood. Misalnya, apabila kita sedang bersedih dan mendengarkan lagu dengan ritme slow, maka kita akan terbawa suasana dengan lagu tersebut. So, rhythm creates mood!

c. Figures of speech
Metaphor, comparing two things that are not alike to suggest that they actually have something in common. Sekilas memang kedua hal yang dibandingkan tidak berkaitan, tetapi sebenarnya ada kesamaan antara dua hal tersebut.e.g. “Time is a thief” or “Her hair was silk”. 
Simile, compares two things using “like” or “as’’. Suatu hal digambarkan dengan hal yang mirip dengan menggunakan kata ‘like’ atau ‘as’ e.g. “My love is like a red rose”. The other simile would be presented in this box below.

Hyperbole, a dramatic language. Big exaggeration, usually with humor. Suatu hal digambarkan secara berlebihan, terkadang menggelitik karena terlalu berlebihan.
e.g. “That math homework took me 8 million years to finish”. 

Personification, an object appear like a person. Objek (bukan manusia) memiliki kemampuan seperti manusia. e.g. “The wind whisper” or “The snowflakes danced in the wind”.  
Alli titration, the repetation of the same beginning sound in a series of words. Perulangan bunyi suara yang terdapat di awal setiap kata. e.g. “Peter Parker pick a pack of pants punctually”

like anyone would be
Seperti orang yang lain..
i am flattered by your fascination with me
aku tersanjung dengan daya tarikmu terhadapku.
like any hot blooded woman
seperti wanita pada umumnya
i have simple wanted an object to crave
aku menginginkan hal sederhana untuk didambakan

but you you're not allowed
tapi kamu ,kamu tidak diizinkan
you're uninvited an unfortunate slight

sayangnya kamu tidak  diundang sedikitpun
must be strangely exciting
seharusnya itu sangat mengasikkan
to watch the stoic squirm
menyaksikan kesakithatian yang mengekang nafsu
must be somewhat heartening
seharusnya itu sedikit menggembirakan
to watch shephered meet shepherd
untuk melihat pengembala bertemu gembalanya

but you you're not allowed
tapi kamu ,kamu tidak diizinkan
you're uninvited an unfortunate slight

sayangnya kamu tidak  diundang
like any uncharted territory
seperti suatu wilayah yang belum tersentuh
i must seem greatly intriguing
aku seharusnya terlihat sangat menarik

you speak of my love like
kamu berbicara tentang cintaku, seakan
you have experienced love like mine before
kamu pernah merasakan cinta seperti cintaku sebelumnya

but you you're not allowed
tapi kamu ,kamu tidak diizinkan
you're uninvited an unfortunate slight

sayangnya kamu tidak  diundang

I don't think you unworthy
Aku tidak berfikir kamu tidak layak
i need moment to deliberate
aku butuh waktu tuk mempertimbangkan

Struktur lagu Uninvited
Ulanis Morissette Uninvited
like anyone would be
i am flattered by your fascination with me
like any hot blooded woman
i have simple wanted an object to crave
but you you're not allowed
you're uninvited
an unfortunate slight
must be strangely exciting
to watch the stoic squirm
must be somewhat heartening
to watch shephered meet shepherd
but you you're not allowed
you're uninvited
an unfortunate slight
like any uncharted territory
i must seem greatly intriguing
you speak of my love like
you have experienced love like mine before
but this is not allowed
you;re uninvited
an unfortunate sligh
i don't think you unworthy
i need moment to deliberate

Every woman would be flattered by a nice attractive man who always gives special attention to the woman. She is doubt with this situation perhaps every woman would be in same feeling like what she earned. She must be deliberate whether it would be good or bad for her life.

 We should not be persuaded easily with all the persuasion or seduction that given to us although we need its We should deliberate it whether it is good or bad for her life.

Makna lagu Uninvited ( Meaning )

Lagu uninvited yang dinyanyikan oleh Alanis Morrissette mempunyai makna atau menceritakan tentang kisah cinta seoraang wanita,dia berkata bahwa dia juga sama seperti wanita pada umumnya yang akan tersanjung bila terdapat seorang pria yang tertarik padanya dan menyukai perhatian khusus yang diberikan padanya.Namun pria tersebut bukan yang diinginkanya,bisa saja pria tersebut adalah kriteria semua orang namun pria tersebut bukanlah kriteria wanita itu.Karena akan jadi masalah apabila semua orang menyukai pria itu.Sehingga wanita tersebut tidak mengijinkanya untuk hadir dalam kehidupanya,semua itu biarlah menjadi sebuah godaan kecil yang menghiasi hari wanita tersebut di masa lalu.Hal ini dapat kita lihat melalui lagu ununvited pada bait berikut.
Like anyone would be
I am flattered by your fascination with me
Like any hot-blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave
But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight
Kemudian wanita itu berfikir bahwa pria itu pasti sangat senang melihatnya menggeliat karena tak bisa menahan rayuan dari pria itu.kalimat To watch shepherd need shepherd bukanlah diartikan melihat pengembala yang butuh pengembala namun merujuk pada pria tersebut yang seorang pemain membutuhkan tantangan dari pemain lain seperti wanita tersebut.Tetapi,wanita itu dengan tegas menolak kehadiran pria itu dari kehidupanya.Apabila wanita tersebut tetap terus bersamanya dia takut kesialan akan menimpanya.Hal ini dapat kiata lihat dari lagu ununvited pada bait berikut.
Must be strangely exciting
To watch the stoic squirm
Must be somewhat heartening
To watch shepherd need shepherd
But you you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight
Wanita yang sebelumnya belum pernah mempunyai pasangan pastilah membuat pria penasaran dan hal yang menyenangkan untuk menjelajahi pribadinya.pria itu berbicara seolah-olah dia pernah mengalami cinta yang dialami oleh wanita itu.Padahal wanita itu belum perna menyerahkan cintanya pada siapapun termasuk pada pria itu.Dan sekali lagi dengan tegas menolak pria itu,pria tersebut tak pernah diundangnya dalam perjalanan hidup dan cintanya.Hal ini dapat kita lihat dari lagu ununvited pada bait berikut.
Like any uncharted territory
I must seem greatly intriguing
You speak of my love like
You have experienced love like mine before
But this is not allowed
An unfortunate slight
Inti dari lagu adalah menerangkan bahwa bukan tentang diri pria tersebut ataupun karakternya.Ini semua hanya tentang wanita itu yang tak mau menerima keberadaan pria itu dalam hidupanya.Bukan karena pria itu tak layak baginya,namun hanya butuh waktu untuk mempertimbangkan semua itu hinnga wanita itu selesai berfikir.Hal ini dapat kita lihat dari isi lagu uninvited pada bait terakhir berikut.

I don't think you unworthy
I need a moment to deliberate
our life
Pesan moral (Moral value)
            Lagu ini memiliki nilai atau pesan bahwa kita jangan sampai hanyut atau terbuai dengan segala macam rayuan atu bujukan yang ditujukan pada kita.Meskipun pada saat itu kita sangat membutuhkan hal tersebut kita harus tetap tegas mempertimbangkan apa yang baik dan apa yang buruk bagi kehidupan kita.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan dari lagu Uninvited
Dalam memberi penilain terhadap lagu ini saya memposisikan diri saya sebagai pendengar atau penikmat lagu ini.Brikut penilaian kelebihan dan kekuragan lagu Uninvited.
·   Kelebihan
1.  Lagu ini memiliki irama yang indah untuk didengarkan.
2.  Lagu ini memiliki lirik dan musik yang mudah diingat.
3.  Lagu ini memiliki pesan moral yang penting.
4.  Makna yang terkandung dalam lagu ini sangatlah dalam.
5.  Lirik dari lagu ini sangat indah karena dipenuhi kata kias.
6.  Pembawaan lagu oleh penyanyinya penuh penghayatan.
·   Kekuranagan
1.  Sulit dalam memahami isi dari lagu karena banyaknya kata kias.
2.  Butuh referensi dari sumber lain untuk mampu memahami makna lagu.
3.  Pronounciation sulit dimengerti bagi masyarakat awam apabila tanpa melihat lirik langsung.

Song is a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung.
The social functions of song are:
a.             To entertain the listeners.
b.             To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs.
c.             To provide a way of managing the relationship between our public and private emotional life.
d.             To express personal feeling and cultural values.
e.             To give someone to not only shares their emotions with others, but also to have an emotional connection that just can’t be experienced in any other way.
The structure of songs: Intro-verse -chorus -verse- Intro-verse -chorus -verse.
The following are the language features of songs.
a              1. Imagery
b              2. Rhythm
c              3. Figure of Speech
·        Metaphor
·        Simile
·        Personification
·        Alli titration