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  Review Unit III Version B   I.      Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. A.   Listening Section Question 1 refers to the fo...

Soal Pemantapan dan Pembahasan Bagian 3B

 Review Unit III

Version B

 I.     Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

A.   Listening Section

Question 1 refers to the following dialog.

Girl  :   You know, there will be an audition for Indonesian Idol in the town hall.

Boy :   Do you mean Indonesian Idol which is broadcast on TV?

Girl  :   Yes. I will join it. In your opinion, is it possible for me to pass the audition?

Boy :   I think so. Your voice is beautiful.


1.    What is the girl going to join?

A.    A contest at a TV station.
B.   The audition of a contest on TV.
C.   A live broadcast on TV.
D.   The audition of television reporters.
E.   The audition of television news readers.


B.   Anak perempuan tersebut akan mengikuti audisi kontes Indonesian Idol yang ditayangkan di televisi. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat anak perempuan tersebut, ”I will join it.”. Kata kata ’it’ merujuk pada audisi kontes tersebut, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B).

Question 2 refers to the following dialog.

Girl  :   It seems that you like reading books about great men.

Boy :   Yes, I do.

Girl  :   Why?    

Boy :   I am very curious about the keys to their success.


2.    What does the boy want to know about some great men? 

A.    Their social life.     
B.   Their success.            
C.   Their principals.                                  
D.   The keys to their success.                   
E.   Their merits for human being.


D.   Anak laki-laki tersebut suka membaca buku tentang orang-orang ternama karena ia ingin mengetahui kunci kesuksesan mereka (the keys to their success). Itu ditunjukkan oleh kalimat yang diucapkannya, ”I am very curious about the keys to their success.”. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar.

Question 3 refers to the following dialog.

Boy :   Ugh . . . news about corruption again. It upsets me.

Girl  :   Sure. There are many corruptors in this country. What do you think?

Boy :   I think they deserve very hard punishment, otherwise they will make our country collapse.

Girl  :   I think so.


3.    What is the dialog about? 

A.    Corruption in this country.        
B.   Punishment in this country.      
C.   The collapse of a country.       
D.   Courts in this country.
E.   Effects of corruption.


A.   Percakapan tersebut tentang merajalelanya korupsi di negeri ini. Hal itu disimpulkan dari keseluruhan isi percakapan serta kalimat awal percakapan, ”Ugh . . . news about corruption again. It upsets me.”.

Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog.

       The decision about whether to live on, or off campus is very important. It could affect your entire college career. Both situations have advantages and disadvantages and which one you choose depends a lot on what is suitable for you.

       On-campus housing is generally more convenient than off-campus housing. It’s easier to get to class, especially early in the morning. Students who live on campus are also closer to facilities, such as the library and gym.

       On the other hand, in a dorm, you usually have to share a room, while off-campus housing can be more private and less noisy. Cafeteria food is another disadvantage of on-campus housing. Students on special diets will often find it difficult to live in a dormitory than to live in a rooming house or apartment where they can cook for themselves.    

Adopted from: Cheryl Pavlik and Margaret Keenan Segal, Interactions 2, New York, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007.


4.    What is the monolog about? 

A.    Pros and cons of living in on-campus housing.
B.   Pros and cons of living in off-campus housing.
C.   Pros and cons of living in on and off campus housing.
D.   The difficulties of living in on-campus housing.
E.   The benefits of living in on-campus housing.


C.   Secara keseluruhan teks tersebut membahas pro dan kontra tinggal di asrama kampus atau di luar kampus, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (C). Hal itu juga diperkuat dengan kalimat awal teks, ”The decision about whether to live on, or off campus is very important. . . . Both situations have advantages and disadvantages, . . .”.

 5.    Why is living in on-campus housing more convenient?

A.    It is easier to get to class and library.
B.   It is easier to get various foods.
C.   We can cook for ourselves.                 
D.   We can get more privacy.
E.   We can get less noise.            


 A.            Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ”On-campus housing is generally more convenient than off-campus housing. It’s easier to get to class, especially early in the morning. Students who live on campus are also closer to facilities, such as the library and gym.” yang artinya ”Asrama kampus secara umum lebih cocok daripada tinggal di luar kampus. Lebih mudah pergi ke sekolah, terutama pada pagi hari. Siswa yang tinggal di asrama kampus juga lebih dekat pada fasilitas-fasilitas seperti perpustakaan dan gedung olahraga.”.

This is the end of the listening section. 

B.   Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7.

       Don’t miss this summer’s hottest concerts and art exhibition as Staten Island’s Arts Council presents JUNEFEST, a series of free concerts and free art exhibition during June.

       Whatever your mood, Junefest has it. Heat up with a salsa concert in the park, relax at a classical guitar concert or visit an amazing exhibition, there are so many concerts and exhibits to choose from . . . best part –– they’re all free!

       To get your Junefest calendar or to find out more about these great summer events, call 718-447-3329 or visit us on the web at www.

       That’s 718-447-3329.

Adapted from: How to Write Your Radio PSA, New York, Council on the Arts & Humanities for Staten Island.

 6.   Where is the salsa concert held?

      A.   In the park.                             
B.   At school.       
C.   At the square.                         
D.   In the sports hall.        
E.   In the theatrical building.


A.   Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat ”Heat up with a salsa concert in the park,

. . . .” yang artinya ”Panaskan dirimu dengan konser salsa di taman, . . . .”. 

 7.   Which one is TRUEabout JUNEFEST?

      A.   It is held in two months.
B.   Not all the programs are free.
C.   We can call to get a calendar.
D.   It is a series of films and concerts.
E.   We should enrol ourselves to see the programs.


C.   Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan kalimat ”To get your Junefest calendar or to find out more about these great summer events, call 718-447-3329 . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) dan (D) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . a series of free concerts and free art exhibition during June.”. Pilihan jawaban (B) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”. . . best part –– they’re all free!”. Pilihan jawaban (E) salah karena tidak disebutkan bahwa kita harus mendaftar

The following text is for questions 8 to 10.

Adopted from: (March 19, 2012)

 8.   In what sector is the program held?

      A.   Computer.                                          
B.   Agronomy.
C.   Travel and trip.                                   
D.   Economy and trade.
E.   Rail and construction.


 E.   Program tersebut diadakan dalam sektor kereta api dan konstruksi, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (E). Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat ”Come on board an innovative preapprentice pilot for the Rail and

Construction Sectors”.

 9.   Who CANNOTjoin the program?

A.    Sheila who is eighteen years old.
B.    Olivia who joined construction training.
C.   Daniel who lives five hundred meters from King’s Cross.
D.   Bertrand who works in a construction company.
E.   Vika who graduated from senior high school three years ago and has not worked yet.


 D.   Persyaratan untuk mengikuti program tersebut adalah berusia 18 hingga 24 tahun, tidak sedang mengikuti pelatihan atau bekerja, serta tinggal kurang dari satu kilometer dari King’s Cross. Bertrand bekerja di sebuah perusahaan konstruksi. Itu berarti ia tidak dapat mengikuti program tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar.

10.  “Fast track it at crunch time”

       What is the synonym of ‘crunch’?

      A.   Critical.                  B.    Spare.
C.   Usual.                    D.    Valuable.
E.   Main.


 A.   Pilihan jawaban yang artinya sama dengan kata ’crunch’ adalah critical, yaitu genting. Pilihan jawaban yang lain artinya berbeda; (B) artinya senggang, (C) artinya biasa, (D) artinya berharga, dan (E) artinya utama.

The following text is for questions 11 to 14.

       When you attend university, you have to make many decisions, the most important being, where to live. Two popular options are living with family or relatives, or renting a dorm on your own, or with
a roommate. These living situations differ in many important ways including price, convenience and amount of independence.

       Living with a family or relative is very different from living on your own. First of all, it is less
expensive and much easier than renting a dorm. Second, when you live with a family or relative, you can minimize living costs. You usually eat with them, so you don’t have to cook for yourself. In contrast, in your own dorm, you have to do all the cooking. Finally, you probably wouldn’t be lonely because there are people to interact with.

       On the other hand, if you value independence, you would probably prefer to be on your own, in
a dorm. When you rent a dorm, you are free to do what you want or when you want. No one will complain if you want to watch television in the middle of the night, or eat breakfast at eleven in the
morning. You may also find it easier to study without any interruption.

       When you’re deciding where to live, the differences between living in a dorm and living with
a family or relative should be considered carefully. There is no right answer for everyone. Both living situations have advantages and disadvantages. You are the only one who can decide which would suit you best. 

Adopted from: Cheryl Pavlik and Margaret Keenan Segal, Interactions 2, New York, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007.

11.  What is being discussed in the text?

      A.   Deciding where to study.
B.   Deciding where to have a holiday.
C.   Deciding where to live when studying at university.
D.   Deciding whether we will study or work after graduating.
E.   Deciding when to stay in a dorm on our own.


C.   Teks tersebut merupakan teks discussion, yaitu membahas sisi positif dan negatif tinggal dengan keluarga/kerabat atau tinggal sendiri di kos ketika melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat dalam paragraf satu, ”When you attend university, you have to make many decisions, the most important being, where to live.”. Kalimat-kalimat dan paragraf berikutnya membahas lebih jauh tentang hal itu. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar. 

12.  According to the text, why can living with a family or relatives minimize living costs?

      A.   They will remind us to be thrifty.           
B.   We should not live with other people.
C.   We will be careful when buying something.
D.   We should not share foods with a roommate.
E.   We usually eat with them and don’t have to cook ourselves.


 E.   Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat ketiga dan keempat paragraf dua, ”Second, when you live with a family or relative, you can minimize living costs. You usually eat with them, so you don’t have to cook for yourself.” yang artinya ”Kedua, ketika Anda tinggal dengan keluarga atau kerabat, Anda dapat meminimalkan biaya hidup. Anda biasanya makan dengan mereka sehingga Anda tidak harus memasak sendiri.”.

13.  What is the main idea of paragraph three?

      A.   Advantages of living with family or relatives.
B.   Advantages of living in a dorm on our own.
C.   Disadvantages of living with family or relatives.             
D.   Disadvantages of living in our own dorm.
E.   The writer’s conclusion about the issue.


 B.   Pikiran utama paragraf tiga adalah tentang keuntungan tinggal di kos sendiri. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat awal paragraf, ”On the other hand, if you value independence, you would probably prefer to be on your own, in a dorm.”. Dalam paragraf tersebut dijelaskan bahwa jika tinggal di kos sendiri, kita bebas melakukan apa saja yang kita inginkan serta dapat belajar tanpa ganggu-an, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B).

14.  Which statement is NOT TRUE?

      A.   The living situations differ in many ways, such as price and independence.
B.   If we want more freedom, we can stay in a dorm, on our own.
C.   We will not feel lonely when we stay with family or relatives.      
D.   The writer concludes that we should stay with family or relatives.                       
E.   Living with family or relatives is less expensive than living in a dorm.


 D.            Pilihan jawaban (D) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf terakhir, ”There is no right answer for everyone. Both living situations have advantages and disadvantages. You are the only one who can decide which would suit you best.” yang artinya ”Tidak ada jawaban yang benar untuk setiap orang. Kedua situasi tersebut memiliki keuntungan dan kerugian. Anda adalah satu-satunya orang yang dapat memutuskan mana yang sesuai untuk Anda.”. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf satu, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf tiga, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf dua, dan (E) sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf dua.

15.  Terry :   Why do you look disappointed?

       Irfan  :   I would like to join a mountain climbing club. ________, my mother don’t allow me.

      A.   However                 B.    Although
C.   As                            D.    In spite of
E.   Despite


                A.            Kalimat Irfan artinya ”Saya ingin mengikuti klub mendaki gunung. . . ., ibu saya tidak mengizinkannya.”. Kata yang tepat untuk menghubungkan kedua kalimat tersebut adalah however, yang artinya namun. 

The following text is for questions 16 to 20.

       If you’re considering a job as a television reporter, you may already know that there are advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to look at both sides before determining whether this is truly the job for you.

       This kind of television journalism job also offers excitement and fun. To be on a case, investigating

a story and searching for the truth can be exhilarating and exciting.

       Moreover, the pay depends on what level of reporting you’re at. Obviously, more popular faces will get paid more because more people tune in to watch the reporter. Making a name for yourself can really kickstart your career and help it become very benefical for you. This is also a great stepping stone into other types of journalism, from writing jobs to news shows to talk shows.

       There’s also the benefit of really being able to help solve cases and ensure that the public is informed – depending upon what type of television reporter job you secure. To realize you’re doing a good thing is very rewarding in any job.

       Not only is television reporting a very demanding job, but it can come with extremely long hours. This means less time with family and loved ones, which can obviously put strain on

       In some cases, television reporting can also be dangerous. If you’re chasing stories that are related to crimes, there’s always the risk of injury, or death.

       Another con is that television reporting comes with its own set of discriminations. Individuals who are considered nice looking and attractive will have a higher chance of succeeding, because the public would rather tune in to watch an attractive person report the news.

       All in all, you need to look at your own desire and determine whether it’s truly important to you to pursue this industry.

Adopted from: (March 15, 2012)

16.  What is the purpose of the text?

      A.   To describe a television reporter’s job.
B.   To explain why a television reporter’s job is interesting.
C.   To discuss the profession of a television reporter from two points of view.          
D.   To criticize a television reporter’s job.
E.   To explain how a television reporter does his/her job.


 C.   Teks tersebut merupakan teks discussion. Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut adalah mendiskusikan sesuatu (profesi wartawan televisi) dari dua sudut pandang, positif dan negatif. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar.

17.  Why is a television reporter susceptible with discrimination sometimes?

      A.   There is not enough promotion to get a better position.
B.   The salary is lower than other professions.
C.   The salary depends on someone’s skills.
D.   Men are preferable to women in a reporting job.
E.   Attractive individuals will have a higher chance of succeeding.


 E.   Reporter televisi rentan dengan diskriminasi. Orang yang menarik memiliki peluang lebih tinggi untuk sukses. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf tujuh, ”Another con is that television reporting comes with its own set of discriminations. Individuals who are considered nice looking and attractive will have a higher chance of succeeding, . . .”, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (E).

18.  What is the main idea of paragraph six?

      A.   A television reporter’s free time to meet his/her family.
B.   The risk of danger which a television reporter may face.
C.   Chances of being successful in a television reporter’s job.
D.   The happiness of being a television reporter.
E.    Discrimination among television reporters.


B.   Arti kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf enam adalah ”Dalam beberapa kasus, pelaporan di televisi juga dapat berbahaya. Jika Anda mengejar cerita yang berkaitan dengan kejahatan, selalu ada risiko terluka, atau kematian.”. Jadi, pokok pikiran paragraf enam adalah tentang risiko bahaya yang mungkin dihadapi para wartawan televisi, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B). 

19.  Which of the statements is NOT TRUE?

      A.   A television reporter’s job offers happiness.
B.   More popular faces may get more payment.
C.   A television reporter may work long hours.
D.   A television reporter spends much time with his/her family.                    
E.   A television reporter’s job can be a stepping stone for a better career in journalism.


D.   Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf lima, ”This means less time with family and loved ones, . . .” yang artinya ”Itu berarti sedikit waktu dengan keluarga dan orang-orang yang disayangi, . . .”. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf dua, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf tiga, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf lima, dan (E) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf tiga. 

20.  “. . . and help it become very benefical for you.” (Paragraph 3)

       What is the synonym of the underlined word?

      A.   Advantageous.
B.   Important.       
C.   Worthy.          
D.   Good.            
E.   Easy.


A.   Kata ’benefical’ dan ’advantageous’memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu menguntungkan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena maknanya berbeda; (B) artinya penting,
(C) artinya berharga, (D) artinya baik, dan (E) artinya mudah.

II.  Write a dialog using Write a dialog using the expressions you have learned in this unit. 

Contoh jawaban:

Reva  :   I heard Rendy will join a physics olympiad. Is that true?

Ferry  :   Yes.

Reva  :   Where will the olympiad be held?

Ferry  :   In Kazakhstan.

Reva  :   Is it possible that he could win a gold medal?

Ferry  :   Nothing is impossible. Moreover, he is the brightest student in this school.

Reva  :   However . . . he has to compete with students from other countries.

Ferry  :   That’s right, but I’m sure he has prepared well for the competition. He could be the best.

Reva  :   You’re right. Let’s support him.

Ferry  :   Anyway, I am wondering what Rendy will be in the future. Since he is very smart in science, I guess he may become a scientist.

Reva  :   Your guess is right. Rendy told me that he wished to be a great scientist one day.
