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Giving Examples Objective of Study students are expected able to make and use the expression in giving examples in spoken or written ways....

Giving Examples

Objective of Study

students are expected able to make and use the expression in giving examples in spoken or written ways.

 Learn About It.

 Phrases/Words to Introduce Examples

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa frase atau kata yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mengawali contoh-contoh yang akan kita berikan, misalnya :

FOR EXAMPLE dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya ‘contohnya....’ . Setelah frase example berikan beberapa contoh yang sesuai. Jika ‘for example’ berada di awal kalimat, beri tanda koma (,) setelahnya. Jika ‘for example’ ini kita pakai di tengah kalimat, letakkan koma (,) di depan dan belakangnya.

Contoh :

  • At first, Henry Ford was not very satisfied with his automobile innovation. For example, the car did not look impresive and were not provided with a brake system, as well as they were still expensive.
  • English was also spoken by the UK ex-occupied countries, for example, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Saat frase ‘For example’ digunakan di awal kalimat, itu artinya kita akan mencoba memberi contoh dengan kalimat yang lebih lengkap, tidak hanya berupa daftar beberapa items saja.

Ketika frase dipakai di tengah kalimat, frase tersebut diikuti daftar beberapa items sebagai contoh. Perhatikan contoh kedua diatas : The United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand  - itu hanya berupa daftar contoh negara bekas jajahan UK, berupa daftar saja bukan berupa kalimat lengkap.

FOE INSTANCE Penggunaannya sama dengan frase ‘for example’.
Contoh :

  • There are many interesting places to visit in the city. For instance, the botanical garden has numerous displays of plants from all over the world.
  • There are many interesting places to visit in the city, for instance, the botanical garden, the central park or the art museum.

SUCH AS Frase ‘such as’ hanya dipakai di tengah kalimat. Beri tanda koma sebelum ‘such as’ dan tidak usah diberi tanda koma sesudahnya.

  • I prefer to wear casual clothes, such as jeans and T-shirts.
  • Some countries, such as Brazil and Canada, are big.

e.g. dan i.g Frase e.g. berasal dari bahasa Latin yaitu ‘exempli gratia’ yang artinya : contohnya. Frase ini digunakan untuk memberi daftar beberapa contoh.
Sedangkan frase i.g. singkatan dari ‘id est’ yang artinya ‘that it’.
Contoh :

  • The names of some newspapers are nationally known here in Indonesia, e.g., Kompas, Tempo and Jawa Pos.
  • Boys and girls between 13 and 19 years old are fickle, i.e., they are easily influenced by the environments, friends and current trends. 

Bisa juga frase ini diletakkan dalam tanda kurung  (parentheses) contoh :
My bussiness plans involve trips to several cities (e.g., Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Calgary)

Do you Understand?


Dalam memberi contoh, kita sebaiknya memilih contoh yang sesuai dengan hal yang akan kita jelaskan. Jangan melenceng dari kalimat utamanya. Tapi juga jangan terlalu bertele-tele. Contoh sebaikya secukupnya saja dan mendukung kalimat utamanya.

Coba perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut, perhatikan contoh mana yang tidak sesuai. Nomor satu menjadi contoh:

  1. My mom plans to buy some new kitchen utensils, such as knife, steamer,screwdriver and frying pan. We cook  a lot at home during this pandemi outbreak.   The example which is not suitable is : screwdriver. Yess, benar screwdriver itu tidak termasuk peralatan dapur, jadi tidak cocok untuk dijadikan contoh.
  2. The famous emperors, for instance, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte and George Washington, are written in most textbook for History subject.
  3. By the end of the 5th century, English was spoken not only by peoples of the British Isles, but also the UK ex-occupied countries, for example, the United States, Canada, Thai, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.

Read the short conversation below, then determining the use of various language choice for giving examples in the text.



Hi Pete, What's up?



I'm Ok Joel. How about you?



Pretty well Pete. By the way, some people think that it's necessary to prohibit people from using phone calls in some places. Others believe that it's inconvenient if phone calls are forbidden in some places. Which opinion do you prefer?



In my view people must be free to use their phones everywhere for a few reasons:

First, there may be an emergency:

For example two weeks ago a car accident happened in a remote area around Tehran, so my a friend called for help, but nobody answered his calls, and unfortunately the driver died.

That’s why I feel that way.



I see, then …



Second, it may be an opportunity: For instance, two years ago, when I was in an economics class At the University of Tehran, my cell-phone rang but I didn’t answer, later I noticed it was from a job company and they found a job for me, but because of I didn’t answer at the moment they replaced another person.



It could be understood why you support this



How about you, Joel?



I love my phone always in my pocket, Let's go Pete Before the sun climbs the tree



Ok we have to be in rush


Marilah kita analisa percakapan di atas. Percakapan tersebut terdiri dari bagian yang kita namai Opening atau pembukaan, Transakction atau isi percakapan dan Closing penutup.


1.      OpeningHi Pete, What's up? ……….

2.      Transaction:

a.      Asking Question/essay question:  some people think that it's necessary to prohibit people from using phone calls in some places. Others believe that it's inconvenient if phone calls are forbidden in some places. Which opinion do you prefer?

b.      Giving Opinion

·         Thesis: In my view, people must be free to use their phones everywhere

·         Reason 1: First there may be an emergency

o   Example: For example two weeks ago a car accident happened in a remote area around Tehran, so my friend called for help, but nobody answered his calls, and unfortunately, the driver died.

·      Reason 2: Second, it may be an opportunity

o  Example: For instance, two years ago, when I was in an economics class at the University of Tehran, my cell-phone rang but I didn’t the answer, later I noticed it was from a job company and they found a job for me, but because I didn’t answer at the moment they replaced another person.


Here is another example of conversational, can you identify the expression in giving example?



Hi Debie, Have you watched the debate last night?



I did, It was a great debate.



Which of the following statements do you agree with? Some believe that TV programs have a positive
influence on modern society. Others, however, think that the influence of TV
programs is negative.



In my view TV programs have positive
effects on modern societies for a few reasons:

First, People get knowledge from TV: For example when I was 6 years old, I had lots of information about the wild animals like leopards and lions, However, I didn’t attend school yet, but I learned the information from TV. So I think we always get lots of knowledge and information from TV. 



I see, then …



Second, It is fun: For example, movie makers always try to tell fascinating and pleasurable stories through the movies and they show awesome pictures from all aspects of the world so they make TV programs fun and exciting. 

That’s why I feel that way.



It could be understood why you support this



How about you, Jass?



I refute this For some reasons, I will tell you after the break



See you then


Key Points

PAST TENSE VS PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Objectives Understand the distinctions between simple past and present perfect Learn about it! Welcome t...


Understand the distinctions between simple past and present perfect

Learn about it!

Welcome to study English, in this series we will study about Present Perfect Tense. Lets watch the video!

Miss Carol
OK everyone, this is your biggest challenge yet.
A day when we mustn't argue?
Miss Carol
No, no. The challenge will take longer than a day. A day and a night in fact. You're going to go camping.
Wicked! Are you coming too, Miss?
Miss Carol
No. You have to plan the trip yourselves, and go on it yourselves, too. You're going to be on your own.
Right, I've written out everything we need for the camping trip. I've listed the things you need for yourself and then some stuff for you to bring for all of us.
Baked beans? I hate those.
Never mind, Debbie, I love them. You're bringing them for me!
There's loads of stuff here. Do we really need it all, Jess? I've got hardly any money at the moment.
OK, then, you can sell your guitar! No, seriously, you can borrow some money from me. But I want it back, though.
It's really important to be prepared. We don't want anything to go wrong.
Joel, Joel, hi! Have you got everything on your list yet?
Not yet. Give me a chance!
How are you getting on with the camping list, Debbie?
Um, OK. What about you?
Oh, I've finished mine. All done!
Pete! Have you got everything on your list?
List? What list?
No, only joking. Don't worry. I'm going to get everything together tonight.
Miss Carol
I'm going to take you all to the campsite and then leave you. You'll be on your own, OK?
Let's just check we've got everything before we go.
No. Not again, Jess.
Eurgh, my feet are all wet.
Put your boots on.
I didn't bring any.
hey were on your list.
I forgot them, OK.
I said let's check everything, but no one wanted to.
Oh be quiet, Jess. Ouch!
Oi! Help me get this back up. Can you guys light the fire?
No problem. Have you got the matches?
Jess, have you got the matches?
No but they were on someone's list.
I didn't bring any.
I didn't either.
Nor me.
I don't believe it!
Oh come on, Jess. Calm down. I know things are going wrong, but we can still have fun.
Yeah, let's ask the farmer for some matches.
I'm on my way!
It's a good thing the farmer had some matches.
And some milk!
And a tin opener! We're really bad campers, aren't we?
No, you're not.
That's right, we're not. We're still here, aren't we?
“To be continue”  

Right, I've written out everything we need for the camping trip. I've listed the things you need for yourself and then some stuff for you to bring for all of us.
The above sentences (*red color) are use Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense is used to express an event that started in the past and the impact of the event is now continuing (or a long-running event that started in the past and is still going on). This tense is used to express actions completed recent past. In this tense, it is important whether the event occured or not. ( or the result of the event is important, not the time of the event )

The Present Perfect Tense is formed by putting “to have  ( have or has )” before the past participle of the verb.
POSITIVE FORM (+) :  Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU, THEY ) + HAVE + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
Subject ( HE, SHE, IT ) + HAS + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
NEGATIVE FORM (-) : Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU, THEY ) + HAVE  + NOT + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
Subject ( HE, SHE, IT ) + HAS + NOT + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
QUESTION FORM (?) : HAVE  + Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU, THEY ) + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
HAS + Subject ( HE, SHE, IT ) + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )


1. Present Perfect Tense is used to express an action that happened at an unspecified time in the past and the impact of the event is now continuing.
( Finished Actions —-Past Event & Present Result )
She has lost her wallet ( She can’t find it )
We can’t reach Paul by phone. Have you seen him?
Tom isn’t at school. I think he has gone to the theater.
My sister has broken her arm. Her arm is still broken.

2. Present Perfect Tense is used to express an action that ended recently. We often use words like “just” or “recently” for the events taking place a very short time before now.
( Recent Completed Actions )
I have just finished my project.
My mother has just cleaned the house.
We have recently eaten dinner.

3. Present Perfect Tense is used to talk about unfinished actions or states or habits that started in the past and continue to the present. In such sentences, it is emphasized that how long the action has continued. So we usually use ‘since’ or ‘for’ to express “how long”.  We often use stative verbs / non-continuous verbs / mixed verbs in such sentences).
( Unfinished Actions / Duration from Past until Now )
The student has studied maths for three months.
I have lived in Paris for five years.
My son has been sick since Monday.
He has worked in Berlin since he graduated from the university.
She haven’t been calm since the accident.
Teachers have thought this subject for hours.
They have had many cars since I can remember.

4. Present Perfect Tense is used to express repeated actions in an unspecified time between the past and now. 
( Repeated or Multiple Actions at Different Times )
We have watched that movie three times.
I have seen David several times.
She have had six exams so far this semester.
They have called him four times this month.

5. Present Perfect Tense is used when we talk about life experiences.
( Life Experiences )
I have been to England in my life. 
Have you ever eaten Sushi before?
We have never tried to invent something new. 

6. Present Perfect Tense is used when we talk about accomplishments.
( Accomplishments )
My father has spoken five languages.
Scientists have found a new way to get cancer cells to self-destruct.
Man has walked on the Moon. 

7. Present Perfect Tense is used when we talk about changes that has occurred over periods of time.
( Changes Over Time )
Our english has improved a lot when we moved to England.
Her behavior and attitudes have changed a lot since you last saw her.
I have become more interested in medical issues.
For Differences Between Present Perfect Tense and Simple Past Tense click here
For Differences Between Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense click here
Attention 1:
1. “Present Perfect Tense” is used with “an unfinished time word ( this week, today, etc. )“. The period of time is still continuing. 
We haven’t called him this week. 
I have eaten lots of plumps today.
They have had several tests this month.
2.“Present Perfect Tense” is not used with “a finished time word ( yesterday, last week, etc. )“. In such sentences, we use “Simple Past Tense”
I haven’t seen you yesterday. ( wrong )                         * I didn’t see you yesterday. ( correct )
We have finished the project last week. ( wrong )      *  We finished the project last week. ( correct )
He has bought a new house last year. ( wrong )          * They bought a new house last year. ( correct )
Attention 2:
We often use the present perfect with some time adverbials ( adverbs of time ). Some of them are mentioned here. 
1. “Since”  is used with a point ( previous point ) in time in the past.
  Since last week / month / year / summer, etc.
  Since one o’clock / two o’clock / six o’clock, etc. 
  Since  Sunday, Monday, Friday, etc.
  Since April, June, January, etc. 
  Since 1950, 1999, 2017, etc
  Since they moved / we talked to him, etc.
2. “For” is used with a period of time in the past, present or future.
  For one minute / ten minutes, etc.
  For  two hours / five hours, etc.
  For a day, four days, six days, etc.
  For three weeks, seven weeks, etc.
  For two months, three months, etc.
  For five years, ten years, etc.
  For hours, more than a week, ages, a couple of months, etc.
3. “Already” is used to emphasise that something was completed before something else happened. It is also used to show surprise about things that have happened or will have happened earlier than we expected. It usually comes between the auxiliary verb ( have or has ) and the main verb.
( We use “already” in affirmative ( positive ) sentences and questions but not usually in negative sentences )
  She has already come.
  The plane has already landed.
  I have already done it.
  Have you already written to John?
  Has the train already left?
4. “Yet” is used to refer to a time which starts in the past and continues up to the present. It usually comes at the end of a sentence.
( We use “yet” mostly in negative sentences and questions but not usually in positive sentences )
   It hasn’t stopped snowing yet.
   They haven’t opened it yet.
   Have they arrived yet?
   Has she driven her new car yet?
5. “Just” is used to refer to a short time before the moment of speaking.  It usually comes between the auxiliary verb ( have or has ) and the main verb.
(We use “just” in affirmative ( positive ) sentences and questions)
   We have just decided to sell our car.
   The plane has just arrived.
   Have they just left?
6. “Ever” is used to refer to at any time. It usually comes between the auxiliary verb ( have or has ) and the main verb.
(We use “ever” mostly in questions)
   Have you ever met her?
   Have you ever cooked cheesecake?
   Have you ever heard this sound?
7. “Never” is used to refer to not at any time. It usually comes between the auxiliary verb ( have or has ) and the main verb.
(We use “never” in negative sentences ( negative meaningful ))
   I have never been to America.
   We have never heard anything so stupid.
   She has never flown in a plane before


In the previous lesson, you have learned about simple past tense and past continuous tense. Now in this lesson, you will learn how to use those tenses in a conversation. However, before that let’s review what you have learned. Do you still remember when do we use simple past tense or past continuous tense in English?
Simple past tense is used to tell an event that happened in the past. For example: “My mother made a cake.” Past continuous is also used to tell an event that happened in the past, but it happened at a particular time. For instance: “I was doing my homework.” It means that I was doing my homework at a particular time in the past or in a specific time in the past I was doing my homework. That was how you say a statement in past tense.
Now, when you want to say the interrogative sentence, how do you use the tenses? How do you ask people using the past tense? In order to answer those questions, you need to listen to the following dialogue between Silva and Hera. They talk about their holiday experience.

Pay attention to how Silva asked Hera about her holiday. Silva asked Hera “what did you do during your holiday?, Did you go somewhere?, What did you do there?”
When asking someone about their past experience, you use ‘did’ and the verb is not in its past form, but it comes back to its present form. For instance, in the example above the verb is ‘do’ and ‘go’. How so?
Because the interrogative sentence (the sentence that you use to ask the question) in past tense requires the auxiliary verb ‘did’ in order to indicate past tense. So, if there is an auxiliary verb ‘did’, you do not have to use the past form of a verb, you use ‘did’ and present form of a verb instead. Here are other examples for you:
Where did you go?
What did you bring?
How did you get there?
Now let’s pay attention to the response said by Hera to Silva. In order to respond to Silva’s question, Hera said “Yes, actually I went to Bandung with my family.” Since Silva asked her using simple past tense, the answer must be in simple past tense as well.
To answer a question using past tense, the pattern is more or less the same with the pattern of simple past tense that we have already learnt before. ‘Went’ is the past form of ‘go’. This sentence indicates that Hera told Silva about the event that happened in the past.

Silva: Did you go somewhere? (did + Verb1)
Hera: Yes, actually I went to Bandung with my family. (Verb2)

Now, listen again to another conversation.
In the dialogue, the teacher asks Lili about her holiday by asking “So, did you go somewhere on your last holiday?” This phrase can be used when you want to ask people about their holiday experience. You can also use “How was your holiday? / “Where did you go last holiday?” or else.
From the dialogue, we can also find out Lili’s response to the teacher’s question about her holiday. In order to response to the question about her holiday experience, Lili says “it was fun”. This sentence can be used to tell people about your experience. You can also use the following expressions as your choice.
It was great.
Not so bad/good.
It was wonderful/amazing/good.
Now, can you tell find out what type(s) of tense(s) are used in the dialogue? What are they?
Here is the transcript of the previous dialogue. Try to identify which sentences that use past tense.

Short Instructions and Procedures Objectives Basic Competence: Understanding and responding the meanings as well as the rhetorical steps in ...

Short Instructions and Procedures
Basic Competence: Understanding and responding the meanings as well as the rhetorical steps in a text using accurate, fluent and acceptable expressions in social and academic contexts in form of: short instruction and procedures.
Learn about it!
You will learn about the kinds of texts, specifically short instruction and procedures, and how to comprehend the meaning through reading.
Short Instructions
Short instructions is the type of functional texts containing sets of orders, directions, or instructions; something that has to be or not to be done.A short instruction can be a prohibition, invitation, short message, shopping list, notice, announcement, et cetera. Here, we are going to focus on discussing about short instructions.
According to its definition, an instruction is something that someone tells you to do; it contains some advice and information about how to do or use something. Often, short and clear instructions are more preferable in order to make the person who is given the instructions understand it clearly.
You may often encounter short instructions in your daily life. For instance, your teacher may give short instructions in class such as “should you have any questions, raise your hand”, or your parents say “tidy up your room” at home. But, have you ever heard about ‘Scavenger Hunt’?
A scavenger hunt is an outside game in which the participants will get a list of instructions—sometimes in riddles, and usually to collect or to find some items, often specific and unusual items.
The participants can be either individuals or teams, and the ones who finish and collect all the instructions given will get a prize. Look at the set of instructions below to complete your scavenger hunt!

Short Instructions

As you have studied earlier, a procedure text explains how to do, how to make, or how to use something. The diversity of ideas being presented in the texts ranges from simple procedures such as ‘how to make pancakes’ to complex procedures such as ‘how to defuse a bomb’. The aim of this text is to inform the readers on how to do or how to make something. The order is commonly divided into several steps.
The structure of a procedure text
·         There is a clear aim about what to make or to produce, it is usually stated in the title of the text;
·         There is a list of required ingredients, tools, or material needed to have the aim accomplished;
·         The steps are presented in an orderly clear explanation.
The language features of a procedure text
·         The present tense is used
·         Action verbs are used to make the clear idea of the necessary steps
·         Adverbs are often used in to make the steps clearer, such as “slowly”, “gently”, etc.
*Connectives are also used to make the sequence understood better.
Look at an example of a procedure text below.


So, we can conclude that a procedure text can be a set of instructions or directions to show steps or stages. The procedure begins with an aim or goal then followed be materials needed, and the steps of how to do such activity.